UPDATE Hanif Kureishi and His Work December 17-18, 2009, Ankara

full name / name of organization: 
17th METU BRITISH NOVELISTS CONFERENCE Hanif Kureishi and His Work December 17-18, 2009
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Hanif Kureishi and His Work
December 17-18, 2009
This is the seventeenth of the series of 2-day conferences organized by the Department of Foreign Language Education, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, on BRITISH NOVELISTS. This year the conference theme is Hanif Kureishi and his fiction, and his other critical and creative work; and we are seeking paper proposals that aim interdisciplinary and innovative investigations of his works. By encouraging submissions from a broad variety of disciplines, theoretical perspectives and genres, including but not limited to, post-colonialism, feminism, sexuality, gender, literature, philosophy, performance, cultural studies, and media studies, we seek to provide an interdisciplinary forum for scholars and participants from different backgrounds and to encourage dialogue between them. Proposals using any methodology by established academics, as well as by young scholars and graduate students are welcomed. We also encourage performance submissions.

Proposals for 20-minute papers (about 200 words) should be sent by 10 August 2009. Please include name, institutional affiliation, student status (graduate or undergraduate), contact information (address, email address), and a list of any audio/visual equipment needed for your presentation. Please address queries and submit proposals via email to Nurten Birlik: nbirlik@metu.edu.tr

Further details concerning accommodation and joining instructions and a preliminary version of the schedule are available at http://www.fle.metu.edu.tr/hanif_kureishi/ELLConf.htm

Notification of acceptance: by 15 September 2009

We plan to publish a selection of papers presented at the Conference.

Organizing committee:
Prof. Dr. Meral Çileli
Assist. Prof. Dr. Nurten Birlik
Dr. Deniz Arslan
Assist. Prof. Dr. Margaret J-M Sönmez
Assist. Prof. Dr. Dürrin Alpakın Martinez Caro