[UPDATE] Third International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Emotional Geographies, April 6-8, 2010

full name / name of organization: 
Organising Committee

The Third International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Emotional Geographies will be held at The University of South Australia in Adelaide April 6-8, 2010. Hosted by the Hawke Research Institute and the Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre.

Invited Speakers include:
Professor Sara Ahmed (Goldsmiths College, University of London)
Professor Pal Ahluwalia (University of South Australia)
Professor Michael Dutton (Griffith University & Goldsmiths College)
Professor Sophie Watson (Open University)
Professor Stephanie Hemelry Donald (University of Sydney)

Call for papers
We invite papers that interrogate emotion, society and space from diverse disciplinary and multidisciplinary backgrounds. We are interested in specific case studies as well as theoretical examinations of the nature of connections among these terms. The conference will be an exciting place to think about new ways of studying the natures, cultures and histories of emotional life. We welcome individual papers as well as panel proposals. We are happy to receive papers that engage in experimental as well as traditional formats.

Possible topics include:
• Embodiment and emotions;
• Dynamics of affect;
• Affective attachment and the other-than-human
• Emotional labour and management;
• Affective spaces and the transnational;
• Migration, postcolonialism and emotions;
• Indigenous knowledges and emotion;
• Emotional architectures and landscapes of emotion;
• Affect, sense, sensation;
• Emotional publics and passionate politics;
• Semiotics and poetics of affect/emotion;
• Theories of affect, emotions, feelings;
• Affect and tourism;
• Queer spaces of affect;
• Emotion and political reform.

One special theme of the conference is Consuming and Producing Affective Spaces of Taste. Focusing on the relations of production and consumption we want to examine how spaces of tastes are being refigured within the cultural economics of transglobalisation. We are especially interested in specific studies of the changing geographies of food, tourism, and other material commodities, as well as more general theoretical investigations of the connections between production, consumption, emotions and space.
The conference organizers welcome proposals for further special themes.

***Abstracts of 300 words and brief bio to be sent to [CPCSGlobalisation@unisa.edu.au] by 10 September 2009***

The venue
The University of South Australia is an innovative institution with a strong emphasis on multidisciplinary and collaborative research with industry. It is located in Adelaide; a vibrant cultural capital surrounded by four of Australia's premier wine growing regions. With close proximity to the outback and in the driest state in Australia, Adelaide compels us to think about the emotions of land care, Indigenous culture, food production and transglobal economic and cultural connections.

Chair of the Organizing Committee
Professor Elspeth Probyn FAHA
Research SA Chair & Professor of Gender & Cultural Studies Co-Director The Centre for Postcolonial and Globalisation Studies The Hawke Institute The University of South Australia.