Turning Points and Transformations March 5-6, 2010
The Louisiana Conference invites papers and creative work on the effects of transformative moments and experiences—textual, cultural and academic. Topics might include but are not limited to: effects of historical and political crises on literature and culture; revolutions; linguistic transformations; bodily transformations; religious conversions; personal turningpoints in autobiographies, literary characters, academic careers, etc.; genre transformations; texts into film; dissertation into book; academic turning points.
Guidelines for Submission:
* 350-500 word proposals for 20 min papers should be submitted via email as attachment in rich text (.rtf) format by October 31, 2009 to langlit2010@louisiana.edu. Do not include name on abstract. Include name, affiliation, email address, phone number, and title of paper, as well as a brief biographical statement in the body of the email. Indicate possible A/V needs.
* Panel proposals (three presenters) should explain in 500 words the panel topic and include a 500 word abstract and biographical statement for each presenter.
* Creative submissions should include a short, descriptive abstract as well as a sample of the work to be considered. Please specify "Creative Submission" in your proposal.
Darrell Bourque Award
The Louisiana Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture is organized to meet the needs of advanced graduate students and junior faculty, but welcomes contributions from academics at all levels.