The interface between politics and discursive practices (09/10/2010)

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Journal Culture, Language and Representation
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Journal Culture, Language and Representation seeks contributions for volume 9 to be published in May 2011.
The issue will be devoted to:

The interface between politics and discursive practices.

The events having taken place in the first decade of the XXIst century, the 11-S, the war on Irak, the 11-M in Spain, or the global economic crisis, have conditioned political strategies and particularly how they are to be presented to the citizens. In recent times, there has been in the USA a displacement of the rhetoric of "the war on terror" to that of "Yes, we can", conceived not just as a way of distinguishing political ideologies, but also as the battleground for controlling the production of symbolic narratives and power relations. Thus, the exploration of new alliances between discursive practices and politics appears today as a major topic to be addressed in order to understand the construction of social reality at a time of crisis and uncertainty.
Possible topics for analysis would include, but are not by any means reduced to:

- Critical discourse analysis of political rhetoric.
- Ideology and representation in political discourse.
- The interface of political discourse and the media.
- The role of social networking in conforming political discourse.
- The internet and political campaigning: new rhetorical strategies.
- Representations of power and politics in the Arts, literature and cinema.
- Countercultural discourses and their dissemination in society.
- The construction of social reality at the interface of political discourse, sources of power and the media.

Both theoretical articles and case studies are welcome.

Deadline for submissions is: September 10th, 2010.

CLR is currently indexed in: Latindex, MLA, IBZ-IBR, ABELL, ISOC.

Please, send your contributions via e-mail to:
Articles in English: Jose R. Prado, e-mail:
Articles in Spanish: José Luis Blas, e-mail:

For any questions or queries regarding this Call for Papers or related issues regarding the Journal, you may contact the Editors at the e-mail addresses above.