[UPDATE] Flannery O'Connor in Film. SAMLA 2010 (November 5-7). Abstracts due April 30.

full name / name of organization: 
Flannery O'Connor Society
contact email: 

This panel affiliated with the Flannery O'Connor Society welcomes papers that explore the SAMLA 2010 special focus "The Interplay of Text and Image" in O'Connor and film. While papers dealing with film adaptations of O'Connor's works will be considered, the session's specific goal is to expand our understanding of how filmmakers have incorporated and/or have contrasted O'Connor's themes, character types, etc. in their own works. Preference will be given to papers that seek creative connections between O'Connor's works and films that are not obvious adaptations of O'Connor's fiction.

Please e-mail abstracts (500 words) to Amy K. King at akking@olemiss.edu before Friday, 30 April 2010.