ICT and Language Learning (* Submission of articles: 1st April 2010 * Final submission of articles: 30th September)

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University of Alicante
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Dear Colleagues,
As you may know, Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses (RAEI) is an international Journal of English Studies published annually since 1988 by the University of Alicante (Spain). The abstracts of all the articles published so far can be accessed at the following Internet address:
RAEI is currently preparing a Special Issue on ICT and Language Learning. We would like to take this opportunity to invite scholars who are doing research in this field to participate in this interdisciplinary volume which will appear in November 2010.
ICT and Language Learning will cover six broad areas:
1. Blended Learning and Instructional Design in Language Teaching.
2. Mobile Technologies for Language Learning.
3. The Use of Learning Standards in Language Learning through ICT.
4. Tools, Technologies and Platforms used in Blended Learning for SLL (Second Language Learners)
5. Evaluation and Evaluation Methodologies for Language Learning with ICT.
6. Pedagogical Approaches and Theories for Language Learning with ICT.
As shown above, each part will focus on the study of Language Learning and ICT using a distinctive approach, i.e. Blended Learning, Mobile Learning, Learning Standards, Tools and LMS's, Evaluation using BL, Methodologies in BL instruction, Learning Designs with ICT, Pedagogical Approaches and Learning Scenarios.
Contributions to the issue of Language Learning introducing ICT from any of the above-mentioned perspectives will be welcome.
Manuscripts should be written in English and be submitted between April 1st and 30th September 2010.

All papers submitted to RAEI should be original, unpublished, and not have been submitted in parallel for publication elsewhere.
Manuscripts should be in conformity with the general RAEI guidelines, which may be consulted at the following Internet address:
The editors will select contributions for the special issue and notify authors of acceptance or rejection once reports are received from the reviewers.
The papers pertaining to the areas mentioned above should be submitted in hard copy (2 copies) to the Editors at their contact address given below not later than 30th September 2010.
Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses
University of Alicante
Filología Inglesa
Apartado de Correos 99. E-03080 Alicante (Spain)
Any queries concerning this Special Issue should be sent to this e-mail address: RAEI@ua.es

Thanking you in advance for your attention.
Yours sincerely,

Dr. Francisco Arcos García (francisco.arcos@)ua.es)
Dr. Pablo Ortega Gil (pablo.ortega@ua.es)
Prof. Ana Amilburu Osinaga (ana.amilburu@ua.es)
University of Alicante
Filología Inglesa
Apartado de Correos 99. E-03080 Alicante (Spain)

Important dates:
* Submission of articles: 1st April 2010
* Final submission of articles: 30th September 2010
* Publication: November 2010