[UPDATE] Reflections on Identity: Images in Multi Ethnic American Literature

full name / name of organization: 
South Atlantic Modern Language Association/MELUS Panel/Lucy R. Littler
contact email: 

In keeping with the 2010 SAMLA convention theme, the "Interplay between Image and Text," the MELUS panel seeks papers examining how images and/or the relationship between images and literary texts can inform, circumscribe, or perform identity within the context of multi-ethnic literature of the United States. Projects may consider images as constructed within narrative or place images and literary texts independent of one another in conversation. Please send 250 word abstracts and contact information to Lucy Littler at llittler@fsu.edu by April 15th, 2010. Panelists will be notified via email by May 1st, 2010. Selected panelists must meet all registration and membership deadlines for the 2010 SAMLA convention and be members of MELUS by the time of their presentation.