
displaying 106 - 120 of 384

The Preservation of Place: Regionalism and Ecological Conservation (SAMLA, 11/5- 7, 2010, Deadline: April 30)

Monday, March 22, 2010 - 12:53pm
Michael Beilfuss

"We seek the balance between cosmopolitan pluralism and deep local consciousness. We are asking how the whole human race can regain self-determination in place after centuries of having been disenfranchised by hierarchy and/or centralized power" ("The Place, the Region, and the Commons")

"And so I look upon the sort of regionalism that I am talking about not just as a recurrent literary phenomenon, but as a necessity of civilization and survival" (Wendell Berry "The Regional Motive")

The Bible in the Seventeenth Century: The Authorised Version Quatercentenary (1611-2011)

Monday, March 22, 2010 - 12:33pm
Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies: University of York, UK

The Bible in the Seventeenth Century: The Authorised Version Quatercentenary (1611-2011)
*** Call for papers deadline: June 1st 2010 ***
7th - 9th July 2011

Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies: University of York

Please see: http://www.york.ac.uk/projects/bible/

Contact: Dr Kevin Killeen - bible@events.york.ac.uk

[UPDATE] Strange Worlds – Paths and Spaces of the Fantastic in the 21st Century

Monday, March 22, 2010 - 11:57am
Gesellschaft für Fantastikforschung (GFF)

Call for Papers
1st annual and founding conference of the
Gesellschaft für Fantastikforschung (GFF)
(Association for Research in the Fantastic)

Fremde Welten
Wege und Räume der Fantastik im 21. Jahrhundert
(Strange Worlds – Paths and Spaces of the Fantastic in the 21st Century)

University of Hamburg
30. September – 03. October 2010

GUEST SCHOLAR: Darko Suvin (McGill University)
GUEST AUTHOR: Paul Di Filippo

Tainted Love: Screening Sexual Perversities

Monday, March 22, 2010 - 10:50am
Darren Kerr and Donna Peberdy/Southampton Solent University


Tainted Love
Screening Sexual Perversities

Original proposals are sought for an edited collection on the representation of sexual perversities on screen. The screen has a long history of providing a space in which taboo sexual practices and perversions have been played out in multiple and diverse ways. Matters of taboo and perversity are too often located within discourses of moral panic, degeneracy, deviance and disease, which present those who enact such sexualities as modern folk devils. The contemporary screen has explicitly and expressively interacted with such discourses and debates.

The Journal of Browning Studies

Monday, March 22, 2010 - 10:04am
The Browning Society

The Journal of Browning Studies invites contributions for its second issue, to be published in March 2011. As well as articles (6000-8000 words) on any aspect of the lives and work of the Brownings and their circle, the editors also welcome shorter pieces on particular textual, critical and biographical issues. Contributions should be sent to the editors by 1 September 2010 to be considered for the next volume.

Editors: Joe Phelan, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK (JPhelan@dmu.ac.uk)
Britta Martens, UWE, Bristol, UK (Britta2.Martens@uwe.ac.uk)

The Life and Work of Jane Webb Loudon 27th-28th June 20011

Monday, March 22, 2010 - 6:52am
Association for Research in Popular Fictions

The Life and Work of Jane Webb Loudon Women and Science in the Nineteenth-Century: Science Fiction and Science Education
Leeds Trinity University College, UK 27th-28th June 2011

Critical Theory: Violence and Reconciliation 24th September 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010 - 6:24am
Graham Matthews and Lara Cox/University of Exeter

Call for Papers:
The Second Annual Critical Theory Conference
Critical Theory: Violence and Reconciliation
Date: 24th September 2010, University of Exeter
Keynote Speakers: Professor Michael Dillon (Lancaster) and Professor Scott Wilson (Kingston) Introduced by Professor Regenia Gagnier (Exeter)

Norman Mailer Society Call For Papers

Sunday, March 21, 2010 - 5:19pm
Norman Mailer Society

Conference 2010: Call for Papers
The Norman Mailer Society Eighth International Conference
November 4-6, 2010
Sarasota, Florida

The Program Committee seeks proposals for panel presentations as well as writing workshop leaders and attendees during the Eighth Annual International Conference of The Norman Mailer Society, to be held in Sarasota, FL. "Mailer and Hemingway" is the theme of the conference and papers on any topic related to Norman Mailer and/or Ernest Hemingway will be considered.

Essays wanted for upcoming collection on Conan the Cimmerian

Sunday, March 21, 2010 - 2:52pm
Jonas Prida/ College of St. Joseph

Seeking proposals for a multi-disciplinary collection of essays on Conan. I already have the book contract and need two/three more essays to round the manuscript out.

Here are some potential topics, but I am open to good ideas not on the list:

Age of Conan: The Hyborian Age Online RPG
Conan after de Camp and Carter
The Conan industry
Feminist approaches to Conan
Appropriation of Conan in rock/heavy metal
Conan the television show
Masculinity/Male studies and barbarism

Essays should be in the 8000-10000 word range. An agreed-upon style manual will be send to all contributors.

Utopian Animals (5/1/10; 2010 Society for Utopian Studies Annual Meeting)

Sunday, March 21, 2010 - 1:47pm
Keridiana Chez

In H.G. Wells's A Modern Utopia (1905), the narrator holds a remarkable conversation between the narrator and a dog-loving botanist who declares that the stated purposes of purging contagious diseases would never, for him, justify the mass extermination of pet dogs. The botanist staunchly concludes, "I do not like your utopia, if there are to be no dogs."

As evidenced by the March 2009 PMLA's special section and the October 2009 Chronicle of Higher Education's coverage on the emerging field of animal studies, the question of the animal has risen to interdisciplinary prominence as scholars increasingly heed Claude Levi-Strauss' advice to think with the animal.
