Beyond Adaptation: Appropriations, Allusions and Intertextuality One-Day Postgraduate Symposium Thusrday 27th January 2011

full name / name of organization: 
De Montfort University, Leicester, England

As the field of adaptation studies progresses away from questions of 'infidelity' and the 'betrayal' of source material, a new set of disciplines and theories have emerged to help us understand the relationship between texts. It is now understood that artistic works are not single entities created independently of culture, but can be understood as an amalgamation of influences, allusions, and borrowings from previous texts. This intertextual model for the mapping of texts and their influences provokes questions about the very nature of adaptation. What is adaptation, and how does it differ from intertextuality? Do boundaries between texts exist? How have multiplicity and intertextuality altered perceptions of storytelling across mediums? This one day conference aims to investigate these questions regarding the complex dialogues between texts within culture, with the hope of better understanding the relationship of adaptation and intertextuality.

We invite contributions from research students from across disciplines in the Arts and Humanities. Suggestions may include (but are not limited to):

• Adaptation Theory
• Parody, Homage, Pastiche, Mockumentary, Ironic Allusion, Non-Fiction and Biopics
• Intertextuality
• Genre, Narratology and Narration across Media
• Reader-response/Audience Expectation
• Unconscious Adaptation
• Screenwriting, Screenplays and the Adaptation Process
• Marginalised Adaptations: novelisations/music/computer games/graphic novels/youtube
• Film Remakes, Spin-Offs and Franchises
• Representations of Race, Class, Gender & Sexuality

Interested researchers should submit a 300 word abstract for 20 minute papers to
by 31st October 2010.

Conference Fee: £20 post-graduate/waged/unwaged including lunch and refreshments.

For more information please visit our website:
Conference Organisers: Paul Gosling, Natalie Hayton, Barclay Rafferty, Jamie Sherry