[UPDATE]"Interdisciplinary Studies and Women Modernists" Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) 7-10 April, 2011.

full name / name of organization: 
Laurel Harris, City University of New York Graduate Center

In her recent anthology _Gender in Modernism_, Bonnie Kime Scott opens the literary field to include disciplines previously left out of the modernist frame such as dance, painting, cinema, and the sciences. In doing so, Scott broadens the scope of modernism and, in particular, provides new angles of inquiry into the work of women literary modernists. This panel will further explore this interdisciplinary move, asking how, and to what effect, we might bring the insights of other disciplines to bear on questions of gender in literary modernism. How did visual, aural, and performative art forms influence the work of modernist women writers? Further, what lenses might the sciences or social sciences provide for understanding the role of gender in literary modernism? Finally, what are the implications of such interdisciplinary or intermedia work for pedagogy and scholarship? Papers might consider collaborative relationships between women literary modernists and producers in other media. Other possibilities include the influence of different art forms and the impact of scholarly disciplines even further afield (like the sciences) in the articulation of gender among literary modernists. This panel also welcomes papers that focus on how literary modernism and questions of gender contribute to contemporary interdisciplinary inquiries as well as ideas for how to best engage in and present this scholarship in the academy. Please submit a 300-word abstract to laurel_e_harris@yahoo.com by September 30, 2010.