Contemporary Interpretations- CSU Chico EGSC Fall Symposium

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CSU Chico English Graduate Student Council
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2010 EGSC FALL SYMPOSIUM: "Contemporary Interpretations: Expanding Boundaries with Inquiry"

CSU, Chico Performing Arts Center November 13, 2010

The English Graduate Student Council invites all graduate students and ambitious undergraduates from any State University in California to submit an original essay or presentation for the annual Fall Symposium. The guiding theme of this year's symposium is "Contemporary Interpretations." This theme asks you to consider the relationship between any subject in the field of English—past or present—and any contemporary ideas, trends, or criticism in or outside the field of English. This might involve reinterpretations of the former or the latter, or both. Essentially, this theme poses two central questions:

(1) "How can the studies of English help us to better interpret our world today?"

(2) "How can the world today help us to better interpret studies of English?"

The EGSC encourages submissions of scholarly essays, poetry, fiction, or creative non-fiction that involves one or both of those questions. Above all, the Fall Symposium will be an event that brings together a community of thinkers and writers to exchange fruitful ideas.

Please submit a 250-word abstract of your presentation by Oct 29th 2010 at 5pm to You will have about 12-15 minutes to present. You may be assigned a panel with 1 to 2 other presenters according to subject matter, or you may pre-arrange a panel with 1 to 2 other related presenters of your choosing. All presenters must submit an abstract and be formally accepted by the EGSC. Thank you in advance for your time and energy as we celebrate the continuation of this rewarding annual Symposium.

Visit our website for more information: