[UPDATE] Digital Adaptation(s) DEADLINE EXTENDED until OCT. 1

full name / name of organization: 
English Graduate Organization at Western Illinois University
contact email: 

Papers for a panel on digital adaptation during the EGO Conference Humanities in the Digital Age
October 22-23, 2010, Macomb, Illinois
EGO site: http://www.wiu.edu/ego/conference/2010/

Adaptations have long taken advantage of emergent forms to extend, re-tell, and appropriate previous literary works. The very nature of adaptations is to re-interpret previous texts into new iterations, often in the guise of these emergent forms, whether the printed book, the novel, films, or the internet. This panel seeks to consider the manifestation of adaptations in digital forms and to pose questions such as:

•How do digital forms transform the process of adaptation?
•What does it mean to adapt in digital form?
•How are we to understand digital adaptations in relation to previous forms of adaptation (such as the novel to stage)?
•What new forms of adaptation are emerging in the digital age?
•What new terminology and methodology is required to understand these new adaptations?
•What role does censorship play when adapting to digital forms?
•How do issues such as censorship and copyright operate differently in the digital realm and what different effects do they have on adaptations?
•What do digital adaptations suggest about the future of adaptation studies?

This panel seeks papers on any aspect of digital adaptation.

Please submit an abstract by October 1, 2010 to Sarah Murphy at sm-murphy2@wiu.edu.