
displaying 46 - 60 of 330

Contemporary Women's Novels: The Changing Story? (NeMLA 2011 4/7-4/11) New Brunswick, NJ: Abstracts due Sept. 30

Sunday, August 29, 2010 - 2:40pm
Karen E. Waldron, College of the Atlantic

To what extent can contemporary fiction by women and about women from different cultures can be brought together coherently for discussion? What has happened to such fiction as women's political and social conditions have been challenged? This session will investigate how women's fictional plotting has changed with globalization and what that contributes to the comparability/incomparability of these works. Email 300-500 word abstracts about recent women's novels in a comparative / world literature teaching context to kwaldron@coa.edu.
Chair: Karen E. Waldron
Areas: Women's and Gender Studies; World Literatures (non-European Languages)

Women and Wilderness: Ecofeminism in Early American Literature

Sunday, August 29, 2010 - 2:11pm
Northeast Modern Language Association

This panel invites papers which take an ecofeminist approach to American literature written by women in the 17th to mid-19th centuries, fiction and non-fiction. Consider texts that explore ways in which women interact with the natural world, and the consequences of such relationships. How do women in the texts (both writers and characters) portray relationships with the land? Are they aware of, complicit in or attempting to resist strategies of patriarchal domination which are also being applied to the environment? Please send 300-500 word abstracts to Ashley Bourne at abourne@reynolds.edu. Deadline Sept. 30th. Include in email: Name and affiliation, email address and AV requirements if any.

[UPDATE] NeMLA Panel on Women Writers and Psychoanalysis (Abstract Deadline September 30, 2010; Conference April 7-10, 2011)

Sunday, August 29, 2010 - 1:15am
Northeast Modern Language Association

I'm still seeking submissions for a panel on American women writers' responses to Freud, which will take place at the 2011 Northeast Modern Language Association Conference. Submissions should address one of the following subjects: Revisions of Freudian texts; Alternatives to the Freudian model of psychoanalytic practice; Responses to Freud as a cultural figure; Writing psychoanalysis through form, style, and technique. Please include an abstract and a brief biographical statement. Email submissions to Kristina Marie Darling, KristinaMarieDarling@yahoo.com by September 30th, 2010.

U.S. Latino/a Literary Culture at CEA 2011 (11/1/2010, 3/31-4/2/2011).

Saturday, August 28, 2010 - 11:26pm
Joseph M. Viera / College English Association

U.S. Latino/a Literary Culture

Call for Papers, CEA 2011 | FORTUNES
42nd Annual Conference | March 31 - April 2, 2011 | St. Petersburg, Florida

The Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront, 333 First Street South, St. Petersburg, Florida 33701; (727) 894-5000

Special Topic: U.S. Latino/a Literary Culture: We are seeking paper proposals (approximately 250-words in length) for panels that address the general conference theme of "Fortunes" and how this concept applies to U.S. Latino/a literary production. Proposals that examine "Fortunes" in relation to issues of race, gender, sexual orientation, class, ethnicity, religion, spirituality, immigration, globalization, labor, power, among others, are especially welcome.

A (Post)Secular Age: Protestant Epistemologies and the American Novel

Saturday, August 28, 2010 - 10:47pm

Post-secular critics are currently challenging the theory that the rise of historical empiricism, as a mode of thought, replaced religious belief and praxis. According to theorist Benedict Anderson, the seventeenth century ushered in a break between a religious cosmology and history, creating a need to link fraternity, power, and time in new ways. Nationalism, an ideology that links subjective identity to a history unfolding in "homogeneous, empty time," filled this need. New literary genres like the novel presented stories that occurred in the time and space of the nation, offering readers a means of identifying as members of a community with a common, secular history.

Call for Papers: "Idea of France" Conference, Nov. 2011

Saturday, August 28, 2010 - 9:57pm
Todd Reeser


Interdisciplinary Conference at the University of Pittsburgh

November 10-12, 2011

"The Idea of France" / "L'Idée de la France"

We welcome abstracts from all fields (literature, history, political science, sociology, anthropology, law, religion, art, music, cultural studies, film studies, gender studies, etc.) that treat the question of the idea of France or Frenchness in any time period from the middle ages to the twenty-first century. Papers may be delivered in English or French.

Immagine e Forma nell'Estetica Barocca

Saturday, August 28, 2010 - 1:45pm
Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) Convention, New Brunswick (NJ) April 7-10, 2011

This panel invites proposals for interdisciplinary papers focusing on the re-examination of the Baroque Aesthetics. The renewed interest in the 'emblemistica' and renovated interpretation of metaphor, along with the new sensibility inspired by the scientific discoveries of the 17th century, contributed to the development and re-thinking of the concepts of 'immagine' and 'forma' that have been at the center of a lively debate ever since. The complex nature of the Baroque lends itself to a multifaceted approach in the fields of Literature, Philosophy, Art History and Literary Criticism.

Short essays wanted: literature, justice, social change and education

Saturday, August 28, 2010 - 10:13am
Changing Lives Through Literature

Changing Lives Through Literature is an alternative sentencing program founded in 1991 on the power of literature to transform lives.

In 2008 we launched a blog, Changing Lives, Changing Minds: http://cltl.umassd.edu/blog.

We have featured essays from professors, graduate students, judges, lawyers, and other scholars from the U.S., Canada and the U.K. Topics range from literature and its impact on people to alternative sentencing and issues in our justice system.

Horror Area: 2011 PCA/ACA National Conference, 20-23 April, 2011

Saturday, August 28, 2010 - 9:45am
Horror Area, Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association

The Horror Area co-chairs of the Popular Culture Association invite interested scholars to submit papers on any aspect of horror in fiction, cinema, television, gaming and culture for the 2011 PCA/ACA National Convention to be held at the San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter & Riverwalk Hotels in San Antonio, Texas. The conference runs from 20 to 23 April, 2011.

Horror Co-Chairs:
Dr. James Iaccino, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Chicago, IL
Dr. Carl Sederholm, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
Kristopher Woofter, Concordia University, Montréal, QC

"Horror," SW/TX Popular Culture and American Culture Association, 4/2-23, 2011, San Antonio, TX

Saturday, August 28, 2010 - 3:47am
Steffen Hantke


Joint Conference of the PCA/ACA & Southwest/Texas Popular Culture and American Culture Associations at the Marriott Rivercenter Conference Hotel on

April 20-23, 2011

in San Antonio, Texas

The area chair for Horror of the Southwest/Texas Popular Culture and American Culture Association invites all interested scholars to submit papers on any aspect of horror in literature, film, television, or general culture.

If you are interested in being a presenter, please send a detailed abstract (300-400 words) for a paper of 18 to 20 minutes reading time via e-mail. Please provide contact information, such as name, mailing address, phone number, and especially e-mail address.

Thinking Backward: Reframing Lesbian Representation on Bad Girls (April 20-23, 2011)

Saturday, August 28, 2010 - 12:28am
PCA/ACA & Southwest/Texas Popular Culture and American Culture Associations

PCA/ACA & Southwest/Texas Popular Culture and American Culture Associations
Joint Conference
April 20-23, 2011
San Antonio, TX
Proposal submission deadline: October 15, 2010
Conference hotel: Marriott Rivercenter San Antonio
101 Bowie Street
San Antonio, Texas 78205 USA
Phone: 1-210-223-1000

Panel Title—Thinking Backward: Reframing Lesbian Representation on Bad Girls

PCA Romance Area, San Antonio, TX 20-23 April, 2011. Deadline: Dec 15, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010 - 9:20pm
Popular Culture Association: Romance Area

CFP: PCA 2011--San Antonio, TX. April 20-23, 2011

We're soliciting proposals for the Romance Area for the Popular Culture Association conference. This year it's in San Antonio, TX. As always, it's the Wednesday-Saturday of Easter/Passover weekend, April 20-23, 2011.

PCA is an amazing conference to go to to experience the community of Popular Romance Studies. It's a VERY inviting conference for new scholars, and for interested non-scholars. We've had undergraduates and brand new graduate students very successfully present papers at PCA. We're welcoming, friendly, fun, a little bawdy, and very very interesting.
