[UPDATE] Native/Indigenous Studies Area: 2012 SW/TX PCA/ACA February 8-11, 2012

full name / name of organization: 
Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association

Call for Papers: Native/Indigenous Studies Area

2012 Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association
February 8-11, 2012
Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Association's
33rd Annual Conference in Albuquerque, NM at Hyatt Regency
EMAIL 250-word abstract to: nativestudiespca@gmail.com
Come present your paper with us! Proposals for both Panels and Individual Papers are now being accepted for the Native/Indigenous Studies Area. Listed below are some suggestions for possible presentations, but topics not included here are welcomed and encouraged. Paper topics can include transnational and international Indigenous Peoples' issues.

DEADLINE December 1, 2011.

●Indigenous Methodologies and Interpretative Frameworks
●Teaching Popular Culture in Native American Studies
●Life Writing and Native Literature
●Native Art and Artists
●Native peoples across borders: racial/physical/economic/political… etc.
●Native representations in popular culture (television, comic books, graphic novels, video/computer games, etc.)
●Sci-Fi and Speculative Fiction
●Indigenizing Popular Culture
●Popular Culture and Language Preservation
●Indigenous Cuisine and Cooking
●Community Empowerment
●Indigenous resistance, regional or global (treaty rights, incarceration issues, sports mascots, etc.)
●Animal Studies and Native Studies Intersections
●Native Peoples' relationships with various Communities of Color
●Structural Inequalities, Social Institutions, and Indigenous Peoples
●Landscapes and Indigenous Ecologies
●Travel, Tourism, and Indigenous Nations
●Native Sovereignty through Television and Internet
●Cyberculture and Social Media
●Queer Theory and Native Studies

Inquiries regarding this area and/or abstracts of 250 words may be sent to Brian Hudson and Margaret Vaughan at this email nativestudiespca@gmail.com
Please forward this information to people who would be interested in participating.

Area-Co Chairs, Native Studies and Indigenous Studies
PCA/ACA Annual Regional Conferences
●Brian Hudson, University of Oklahoma, English Department
●Margaret Vaughan, Metropolitan State University, Ethnic and Religious Studies Department

The 2012 SW/TX PCA/ACA Conference will be held in Albuquerque, New Mexico at the Hyatt Regency Albuquerque. Join us this year, as a returning or first-time participant, as we celebrate the 33rd year of this regional popular culture conference. Further details regarding the conference (listing of all areas, hotel, registration, tours, etc.) will be posted at http://www.swtxpca.org/