displaying 1 - 15 of 4818

Faces of Globality: American Studies and the Romanian Diaspora

Tuesday, December 31, 2013 - 6:44pm
American, British and Canadian Studies, the Journal of the Academic Anglophone Society of Romania

American, British and Canadian Studies, the Journal of the Academic Anglophone Society of Romania, invites submissions for a special issue on Faces of Globality: American Studies and the Romanian Diaspora. The special issue looks to integrate the cultural experience of the Romanian Americans to the vast and diverse array of European diasporas in the US toward an appraisal of the range and worth of their scholarship and creative output. With this end in view, we seek an ample set of contributions across the full spectrum of theory and practice, in poetry, prose, drama, visual arts, translation, pedagogy and mixed creative or critical modes of writing.

CFP: New Writing: International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing - 2/1/14

Tuesday, December 31, 2013 - 5:51pm
New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing

Call for Critical or Creative Work

"New Writing: the International Journal for the Practice and Theory" is open for submissions for Volume 11 (Issues 11.2 and 11.3) and Volume 12.

The journal considers critical work relating to Creative Writing practice and the critical examination of Creative Writing. Strong pedagogically focused papers are considered. Creative work (in any genre) is likewise also welcome.

Word length and submission guidelines at: www.newwriting.org.uk

Submissions welcome via this journal submission site.

Pedagogy Roundtable Proposal: Teaching Twain—Beyond Huckleberry Finn, for the 25th Annual American Literature Association Confer

Tuesday, December 31, 2013 - 12:52pm
J. Michael Duvall, College of Charleston

_The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn_ is, without a doubt, an indispensable novel in the study of American literature and culture, but its very hypercanonization, as Jonathan Arac observed over 20 years ago, mucks things up. And this hypercanonization is probably continuing to muck things up.

Raymond Carver's Life, Legacy, and Works; ALA 5/22-5/25/14

Tuesday, December 31, 2013 - 7:27am
The International Raymond Carver Society

The International Raymond Carver Society (IRCS) regularly hosts panels at the annual American Literature Association (ALA) conference in May. The next conference will be moved from San Francisco to Washington D.C. (please see more info by clicking on the ALA website link below) and take place May 22-25, 2014.

The IRCS invites proposals for 20-minute talks on any aspect of Raymond Carver's life, legacy, and works. Please send a 250-300 word abstract and a 100-word biosketch to:

ircs AT internationalraymondcarversociety.org

no later than January 17, 2014.
There are no IRCS fees but there is a general conference fee; for all conference info, see the ALA link below.

Call for Chapters: Handbook of Research on New Threats and Countermeasures in Digital Crime and Cyber Terrorism

Monday, December 30, 2013 - 11:34pm
IGI Global

Call for Chapters: Handbook of Research on New Threats and Countermeasures in Digital Crime and Cyber Terrorism

View CFP at http://www.igi-global.com/publish/call-for-papers/call-details/1205

Dr. Maurice Dawson, Alabama A&M University, USA
Dr. Marwan Omar, Nawroz University, Iraq

Call for Chapters
Proposals Submission Deadline: February 15, 2014
Full Chapters Due: June 15, 2014
Submission Date: October 15, 2014

[UPDATE] "Intersections" Conference - Spring 2014

Monday, December 30, 2013 - 5:14pm
Associated Graduate Students of English, CSUN

AGSE Spring 2014 Conference CFP

"I, like other queer people, am two in one body, both male and female. I am the embodiment of the hieros gamos: the coming together of opposite qualities within" - Gloria Anzaldúa

The Associated Graduate Students of English (AGSE) at California State University, Northridge is now accepting proposals for our annual spring conference. We are interested in critical papers/panels and creative pieces that investigate intersections.

Theory/Post-Theory: An Interdisciplinary Conference April 18th, 2014

Monday, December 30, 2013 - 5:13pm
The Graduate Students Association of the Department of Rhetoric, University of California, Berkeley

University of California, Berkeley
April 18th, 2014
Keynote Address: Professor David N. Rodowick (Chicago)

The Department of Rhetoric at the University of California, Berkeley is pleased to invite papers that investigate the role, value, and efficacy of theory in the contemporary humanities and social sciences.

[UPDATE] Extended Deadline for Evil Incarnate: Manifestations of Villains and Villainy

Monday, December 30, 2013 - 3:40pm
Case Western Reserve University, Siegal Lifelong Learning Program and Crime Studies Network

11-13 July 2014
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Confirmed Keynote Speakers: Prof. David Frankfurter (Religious Studies, Boston University); Prof. Ronald Holmes (Justice Administration, University of Louisville); Prof. William Paul (Film Studies, Washington University in St. Louis)

AVANCA | CINEMA 2014 International Conference Cinema – Art, Technology, Communication - Abstracts submission - 31 January 2014

Monday, December 30, 2013 - 9:14am
Cine - Clube de Avanca

International Conference Cinema – Art, Technology, Communication
23 to 27 July, 2014
Avanca – Portugal
Abstracts submission should be made until 31 January 2014.
The AVANCA | CINEMA will hold its 5th edition in July of 2014, bringing together researchers, academics, students, directors and cinema enthusiasts in Avanca during five days of sharing, having cinema as the central theme.
In the last edition we had 140 presentations from 178 participants which result in a publication with 1288 pages. This is the result of a scientific review of 31 academics from 13 countries, under the rules of double-blind review.

MANDELA - Altre Modernità Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy. ABSTRACT: 15th Feb 2014

Monday, December 30, 2013 - 8:37am
Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy

Nelson Mandela is not only a real historical person, revolutionary, anti-apartheid leader
and first democratic president of South Africa, but one of the most extraordinary
symbols of our times. His story, his struggle, his image have travelled globally and, as
symbols, they have come to signify different things to different people around the
As Madiba's stately figure slowly disappears from our TV screens and his face
increasingly shows up as a logo in numberless tourist gadgets and websites, we want
to ask in what ways his myth has been welcomed and appropriated across the globe.
While family feuds compound with South Africa's increasingly conflictual present to


Monday, December 30, 2013 - 3:23am

This is a chapter proposal call for an edited book GOTHIC LITERATURE IN ENGLISH ON SCREEN. Chapters will address film, television, and other screen adaptations and should demonstrate currency in contemporary adaptation theory. For initial discussion, email a statement of interest. Proposals of 600 words plus bibliography will be due by July 1 2014. Chapters will be 7-8000 words, due by March 30, 2015.
