Applied Pedagogy: Strategies for Online Writing Instruction [Submission Deadline: May 1]
Over the past several years, a debate regarding the place of online writing instruction has endured on college campuses around the world. Although online course delivery increases educational access to some segments of the population, there are some scholars who believe that the online delivery is inherently inferior to more traditional methods of instruction. Compound that with the traditional lack of formal education in online pedagogy that most instructors receive.
In the traditional face-to-face (f2f) classroom, we have long established traditions of lecturing, group work, peer review, and newer modes of teaching that provide students with much more agency in the classroom. Shifts in educational trends have provided researchers and scholars with a platform to discuss or argue for the pedagogical value of newer trends. Until a time when more formal education is required for all online instructors, we need supportive research into the pedagogical considerations of various technologies. Now is an opportunity to examine and argue for further pedagogical changes in terms of the technology that we use to support online instruction.
This edited collection seeks applied pedagogical articles that address all issues associated with the development of online writing courses. Also, this collection strives to examine cognitive processes of learners in online writing courses. Scholarship that will be considered for this collection may include (but are not limited to) narrative examinations, qualitative / quantitative / mixed methods research, rhetorical inquiries, or critical analyses of online writing course development and/or delivery.
Potential topics include:
- Utilizing the full potential of technology to support online writing instruction;
- Adapting courses to address various or specific learning styles of students;
- Applying knowledge of cognition to effective course design;
- Examining the role of student cognition in relation to specific aspects of technology;
- Evolution of individual pedagogical practices;
- Universal access and student accommodation in online curricula;
- Impacts of social media in online learning communities;
- Instructor preparation and training;
- MOOCs and their impact on the future of writing instruction.
Please send 300 word abstracts or inquiries to < > by May 1, 2013. Co-editors of this collection are Dr. Daniel Ruefman, University of Wisconsin-Stout and Dr. Abigail G. Scheg, Elizabeth City State University.