
displaying 1 - 15 of 18

Reel Middle Ages at 15: Celebrating Medieval Studies on Screen

Tuesday, July 30, 2013 - 11:50pm
The Virtual Society for the Study of Popular Culture and the Middle Ages

In 1999, Kevin J. Harty's _The Reel Middle Ages: American, Western and Eastern European, Middle Eastern and Asian Films About Medieval Europe_ was published by McFarland and ushered in a renascence for the study of medieval subjects on film, television, and electronic games. The Virtual Society for the Study of Popular Culture and the Middle Ages seeks help in commemorating the fifteenth anniversary of this ground-breaking work.

CFP: Imagining Space: The Interplay of Writing and Architecture

Tuesday, July 30, 2013 - 7:11pm
Portland State University

IMAGINING SPACE: The Interplay of Writing and Architecture

March 7-8, 2014
Portland State University
Portland, Oregon

How do poems and buildings speak to each other? What affinities, correlations, and opportunities are at play between creative writing and architecture, two mediums that create, structure, inhabit, and discover space? In Spring 2014, Portland State University's School of Architecture and MFA Program in Creative Writing present Imagining Space, a symposium that seeks unexpected ways of defining, occupying and expanding the intersections of literature and architecture.

British Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies Conference

Tuesday, July 30, 2013 - 2:51pm
British Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies Conference

The British Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies Conference, inaugurated in 1992, is the oldest and longest-running annual meeting of its kind in the United States. It encompasses colonial and postcolonial histories, literatures, creative and performing arts, politics, economics, and all other aspects of the countries formerly colonized by Britain and other European powers.

There is no restriction to any particular political/cultural ideology or to specific critical practices. The Colonial, Postcolonial, and Decolonized eras all are of interest. We welcome and seek to encourage a variety of approaches and viewpoints, and the generation of wide-ranging, productive debates.

[UPDATE] Changes in Bullying in Pop Culture

Tuesday, July 30, 2013 - 1:45pm
Dr. Abigail Scheg

Bullying has been a hot topic in recent years in terms of education, social media, and garnering awareness and protection of all persons from bullying. While being bullied or picked on used to be considered something of a rite of passage of elementary and high school, it is now considered a serious offense and can result in school expulsion and criminal charges. The scope of bullying within popular culture has also changed radically; depicting scenes in television or movies regarding bullying is now considered offensive and come with a warning at the start of an episode.

MELUS CFP for 2015 Special Issue on African American Print Cultures

Tuesday, July 30, 2013 - 12:58pm
MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States

MELUS CFP for 2015 Special Issue: African American Print Cultures
Guest Editors: Joycelyn Moody and Howard Rambsy II

In 2015, a special issue of MELUS will showcase under-studied aspects of black print culture studies or book history. We are seeking scholarship that addresses, but is not limited to, the following questions:

• How are contemporary print matters—ranging from concerns such as the publication of new print editions of literary texts by emergent and historical US black writers to online and open access publishing as well as to the operations of the mainstream publishing industry—shaping our understanding of what African American literature is becoming?

Graduate Journal aspeers Calls for Papers on "American Anxieties" by 3 Nov 2013

Tuesday, July 30, 2013 - 12:18pm
aspeers: emerging voices in american studies

In her July 2012 Atlantic article "Trickle-Down Distress," Maura Kelly argues that anxiety might well be considered a "peculiarly American phenomenon." And in fact, the interrelation between American culture(s) and notions of individual and collective anxiety--from a sense of unease to the experience of crisis to full-blown panic--has proven to be a stimulating topic of interrogation. Accordingly, anxiety, understood not solely as a state, mood, or emotion but also as a phenomenon indicative of larger social dynamics and as a concept capable of performing cultural work, has continuously gained prevalence in scholarly debates.

SWPACA: The Geek and Pop Culture

Tuesday, July 30, 2013 - 12:03pm
Southwest Popular/American Culture Association

The Geek and Popular Culture
Southwest Popular / American Culture Association (Southwest PCA/ACA)
Area: The Geek and Popular Culture

Join us for the 35th annual conference of the Southwest Popular/American Culture Association, February 19-22, 2014, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel and Conference Center in beautiful Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Conference Theme: Popular and American Culture Studies: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Submission Deadline: November 1, 2013

The Geek and Popular Culture: A Love/Hate Relationship

The Sixth Language and Linguistics Student Conference

Tuesday, July 30, 2013 - 11:36am
The University of Central Oklahoma Language Society


Abstract submission deadline: Monday, September 16, 2013
Acceptance notification: Monday, September 30, 2013
Registration deadline: Monday, October 14, 2013

[UPDATE] CFP: Re-engaging Charles Brockden Brown

Tuesday, July 30, 2013 - 10:55am
Michael Blouin / Milligan College

This panel at the 2014 NeMLA conference seeks to re-engage with Charles Brockden Brown, one of America's earliest novelists and a literary icon in Pennsylvania. As a practitioner of experimental writing that anticipates much of post-structural and post-colonial thought, Brown forces us to question the contemporary status of these critical frameworks. His shift toward conservatism, his later interrogations of History, and his importance as a particularly 'American' voice (praised by Hawthorne and Poe alike) makes Brown a figure worthy of continued study. Please submit brief 250 - 500 word abstract to Michael Blouin at MJBlouin@milligan.edu by no later than September 30th, 2013.

'Sex and the City Ten Years On: Landmark Television and its Legacy' conference, April 4 2014

Tuesday, July 30, 2013 - 9:58am
University of Roehampton, London

2014 will mark ten years since the final episode of Sex and the City (HBO 1998-2004) was broadcast. During the programme's six seasons, and throughout the decade following its finale, Sex and the City has continued to be recognised as one of the most contentious and cherished series in recent television history, having tapped into a zeitgeist consumed by postfeminism to become a cultural touchstone. In a July 2013 New Yorker article, Emily Nussbaum lamented the manner in which the show has been 'downgraded to a 'guilty pleasure'' by some, while male-centred series are readily revered, reminding readers that this was 'sharp, iconoclastic television.
