[DEADLINE EXTENDED] Invisible Cities Grad Symposium and Expo: Kitchener ON, Oct. 26
Call for Participants:
Invisible Cities: Located Knowledge and Digital Design Graduate Symposium and Expo
October 26, 2013
Critical Medial Lab, University of Waterloo, Kitchener Ontario
In association with Canadian Association for American Studies
At times I feel your voice is reaching me from far away, while I am prisoner of a gaudy and unlivable present, where all forms of human society have reached an extreme of their cycle and there is no imagining what new forms they may assume. And I hear, from your voice, the invisible reasons which make cities live, through which perhaps, once dead, they will come to life again.
Invisible Cities, Italo Calvino
Invisible Cities: Located Knowledge and Digital Design, a graduate symposium and expo, focuses on critical topics in digital media studies and critical media design such as the ubiquitous networks of media, the practices and performances of mediation, and the computational objects that characterize the cities of the 21st century. The organizers seek an interdisciplinary group of graduate-level scholars, makers, and artists to present works and join in a discussion of the conditions, challenges, and possibilities of these new forms of "invisible cities."
Please submit research papers and research creation projects that focus on aspects of locative design, mobile games or narratives, humanist analysis of ubiquitous computing, the Internet of Things, or "smart" cities. Additionally, subjects such as human-computer interaction (HCI) in various forms of wearable computing, augmented reality, and embodied mediation will be included in the proceedings. (See submission format below.)
The exposition of selected works will be installed at the Critical Media Lab as part of the Digital Focus of the Canadian Association of American Studies. A one-day symposium located within the exposition will take place on October 26, where scholars, media practitioners, artists, and technologists will present research papers or projects.
Submission deadline: July 19, 2013
Submission format
Research papers: 500-word abstract
Research creation: 250-500 word project statement with appropriate media material (i.e., url link, pdf of images, link to video or audio materials, etc.)
Please submit materials to invisiblecities13@gmail.com
Symposium and Expo organizers
Lauren Burr
Judy Ehrentraut
Anne Galang Hammoud
Gian Mancuso
Elise Vist
Faculty Director
Dr. Beth Coleman
The Critical Media Lab (CML) is a cross-disciplinary, research-creation initiative developed in the English Department at the University of Waterloo. http://criticalmedia.uwaterloo.ca/crimelab/