_Global Women Leaders: Their World, Their Language_ 11/4/13

full name / name of organization: 
Michele Lockhart & Kathleen Mollick

Michele Lockhart and Kathleen Mollick seek contributors for their second collection of essays considering women and leadership. Having published their edited collection, Political Women: Language and Leadership this year (September), they are seeking to shift their focus from American political women and their choices of political language to those political women in leadership positions in other countries.

Their book is entitled, Global Women Leaders: Their World, Their Language. The collection of essays will demonstrate the ways in which women have used political rhetoric and political discourse to provide leadership, or assert their right to leadership, on a global level. Women activists such as Graca Machel of Mozambique, leaders such as Christine Lagarde of the International Money Fund, and women in more traditional roles of power such as Germany's Angela Merkel or Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, have often used their rhetorical choices to make the case for their right to power.
Various leadership positions at the international level may be considered. Papers may consider women who have run, been nominated to run, or appointed to national positions. The interdisciplinary approach lends itself to: rhetoric; political rhetoric; political discourse; leadership studies; women's studies; gender issues; satire.

Proposals should be 300-350 words in length, but acceptance into the collection will be based on completed essays submitted on January 6, 2014. Include contact information and academic affiliation, if any. Please title the e-mail subject line of the proposal "Global Leadership" when e-mailing the attachment.

Deadline for Proposals: November 4, 2013. Notification will be no later than November 18, 2013. The editors plan to submit the complete manuscript by summer 2014.

Prospective contributors may send proposals or complete chapters to:

Michele Lockhart, Ph.D.
Kathleen Mollick, Ph.D.