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[EXTENSION TO JULY 15] Pastoral Cities

Monday, June 30, 2014 - 4:48pm
Midwest Modern Language Association

In his study Pastoral Cities (1987), James L. Machor gives the name "urban-pastoral" to a cultural myth of rural-urban synthesis, which he deems foundational to the moral geography of American life, from the Puritans' "City on a Hill" to Frederick Law Olmsted's "City Beautiful". To recognize and complicate this rural-urban dream, Machor argues, was one of the achievements of American writers through the nineteenth century. And yet, despite the recent pastoral turn in literary scholarship, few critics have analyzed urban-pastoralism in later or less canonical works.

Beyond Recovery: Women in the Arts (Aphra Behn Society panel #2 at ASECS 2015)

Monday, June 30, 2014 - 3:25pm
Aphra Behn Society for Women in the Arts, 1660-1830

In recent decades, much important scholarship has been done to make available women's writing for evaluation and examination. Aphra Behn, Eliza Haywood, Charlotte Lennox, and Sarah Fielding have become major figures within our discussions of the period. These developments have been further enhanced by new technological advances extending access to the archive of women's writing. Accordingly, our understanding of women's writing and its role within the world of eighteenth-century publication has become complicated in rich and important ways. For contemporary scholars, the wealth of materials now available through technologies such as digital archives and on-line journals offers a view of the period unprecedented in its breadth, depth, and diversity.

Collaborations: Women in the Arts (Aphra Behn Society panel #1 at ASECS 2015)

Monday, June 30, 2014 - 3:24pm
Aphra Behn Society for Women in the Arts, 1660-1830

This panel seeks to investigate the degree to which eighteenth-century women may have found collaborative work particularly fruitful. During most of the eighteenth century, copyright was still in flux and of benefit mainly to booksellers. Although in the middle of the century, Edward Young put forth an idea of the individual author and his original work, it was Goethe, Wordsworth and Coleridge who turned this notion into something of a manifesto. Before this, people such as Samuel Johnson and George Friderich Handel easily worked collaboratively. How do women of the period interact with the discourse on collaboration? Papers might address women's involvement with the question of collaboration and copyright.

Contemporary Representations of the Mother-Daughter Relationship - April 30-May 3, 2015

Monday, June 30, 2014 - 2:45pm
Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)

Do current representations of positive mother-daughter relationships exist? How can mothers serve as role models to their daughters, when both mother and daughter aim for the daughter not to repeat her mother's life? By exploring contemporary representations of mother-daughter relationships in literature, film, and art from multiple countries and diverse cultural perspectives, this panel will interrogate whether and how mothers can realize their own subjectivity and help their daughters achieve agency within today's globalized, patriarchal society. Presentations should explore late-twentieth and twenty-first representations of mother-daughter connections and interactions within their specific socio-political, economic, cultural, and national contexts.

Literature and the World: Children and Childhood in Global Contexts - 10/1/14

Monday, June 30, 2014 - 1:02pm
The Middle Ground Journal: World History and Global Studies

The Middle Ground Journal: World History and Global Studies invites submissions centered on the theme Children and Childhood in Global Contexts. As scholars try to elucidate the complex relationships between history and cultural identity or development, one key demographic seems consistently overlooked: children. It could be argued that scholarship intended to enlighten may also be unwittingly biased in favor of a narrative situating children as innocent, naïve, and ultimately unimportant actors. Or at the very least, they are seen as actors whose importance can only be evaluated independently of the "adult" world to which they do not, presumably, belong.


Monday, June 30, 2014 - 10:31am
Tbilisi Javakhishvili State University, Tbilisi, Georgia

The aim of the conference is to make translators and translation theorists meet in a colorful city of Tbilisi - the meeting place of Eastern and Western Cultures.

Topics for Presentation:

1. Literary translation in the modern world and its future prospects;
2. Tradition and theory of translation;
3. Socio-cultural, ethnolinguistic and psycholinguistic aspects of translation;
4. Intercultural communication and intercultural dialogue;
5. The problem of equivalence in translation and bilingual lexicography.

A short CV and a 250-word abstract must be submitted by 15 July 2014

Registration fee 30 E covers printed materials of the Conference(program with abstracts) and light lunch

American Studies and American History: Many Faces, Many Voices: Intersecting Borders in Popular and American Culture

Monday, June 30, 2014 - 9:37am
Southwest Popular/American Culture Association

Call for Papers: American Studies and American History
36th Annual Southwest Popular/American Culture Association Conference (SWPACA)
Many Faces, Many Voices: Intersecting Borders in Popular and American Culture

February 11-14, 2015, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Hyatt Regency Hotel and Conference Center
330 Tijeras NW
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102
Toll Free: 888-421-1442

Essay Prize: The British Association for Modernist Studies (BAMS)

Monday, June 30, 2014 - 8:54am
The British Association for Modernist Studies (BAMS)


**The British Association for Modernist Studies Essay**

Prize 2014

The British Association for Modernist Studies announces the launch of an essay prize for early career scholars. The winning essay will be published in Modernist Cultures, and the winning entrant will also receive £250 of books.

Eligibility and Requirements

[UPDATE] The Story of Memory Conference DEADLINE 18 JULY 2014

Monday, June 30, 2014 - 7:28am
The Memory Network / University of Roehampton


'The Story of Memory' seeks to pose new questions about the relationship between the senses, cognition, memory, and emotion, and to reinvigorate the debate about the return to a critical investigation of story telling in the twenty-first century.

CFP: Between Texts and Cities - A themed edition of Writing Visual Culture

Monday, June 30, 2014 - 6:46am
Daniel Marques Sampaio / University of Hertfordshire


A themed edition of Writing Visual Culture


Writing Visual Culture is the journal of the TVAD research group. It publishes original double-blind peer-reviewed open access scholarship on all aspects of visual culture, spanning art, design and media. We are seeking submissions for a new themed edition exploring the relationships between texts and urban spaces in contemporary society.

The urban spaces with which this edition is concerned are those of the contemporary, networked cities that have emerged since the crises of Capitalism of the 1970s. These contemporary networked cities are inseparable from texts –

[EXTENSION to 2014-08-01] Don DeLillo (Special Issue of Orbit: Writing Around Pynchon)

Monday, June 30, 2014 - 4:30am
Crystal Alberts/University of North Dakota

To mark the 45th anniversary of DeLillo's debut novel and his decades of influence, Orbit: Writing Around Pynchon, an open access, peer reviewed e-journal of scholarly work pertaining to the writings of Thomas Pynchon, related authors and adjacent fields, will publish a special issue dedicated to Don DeLillo in 2016.

UPDATE English for specific purposes (ESP)

Sunday, June 29, 2014 - 10:06pm
Dr Alka Singh Assistant Professor of English Department of Humanities and Other Studies Dr Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University Lucknow - 226012, U P, INDIA Email: blueeyemini@gmail.com

English for specific purposes (ESP)

For a proposed edited book I seek some serious papers examining any aspect of English for Specific Purposes (ESP).
The following are the broad areas:
Business English
Technical English
Scientific English
English for Medical professional
English for Law
English for Hotel industry
English for Tourism,
English for Art Purposes,
Aviation English
Technical Communication
Professional Communication
English as a Foreign or Second Language
English as a Second Language
English for Academic Purposes
Professional Communication
Technical Communication
Any other related theme
