Activist, Professor, or Scholar? Best Practices in Gender Scholarship

full name / name of organization: 
Lisa Day
contact email: 

University professors who "do gender" refuse to spend their careers in an ivory tower, but because of this choice, we are sometimes faced with a dilemma: How do we divide our time between teaching, research, and practice? How much of our own advocacy work do we mention in the classroom?

This roundtable session is looking for excellent examples of theory-informed research that incorporates timely, practical examples of volunteerism and advocacy. Examples might include analyses of literary texts that include a character's reproductive choices and the instructor's time spent as a volunteer for reproductive justice groups; another example might be the classroom discussion of texts with intersectional characters and the instructor's work at local shelters.

Ideally, participants will have also published their work in these subject areas so that a conversation can take place about how best to balance our lives in the most productive and helpful manner for our own career, our disciplinary field, and our local community.

Deadline: September 30
Submit abstracts at