Call for Papers: Disability Studies at CEA 2015 (11/1/2014, 3/26-28/2015)
Call for Papers: Disability Studies at CEA 2015
46th Annual Conference | March 26-28, 2015 | INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA
Hyatt Regency Indianapolis, One South Capital Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46204, Phone (317)-632-1234; Fax (317) 616-6299
Submission deadline: November 1, 2014 at
The College English Association, a gathering of scholar-teachers in English studies, welcomes proposals for presentations for our 46th annual conference.
While we welcome essays pertaining to any area of Disability Studies, we are particularly interested in explorations of "imaginations" in Disability Studies, including rhetorical studies, books, films, digital texts, and other media.
Submission: August 15 - November 1, 2014
Please see the submission instructions at
Conference Theme: Imaginations
We live in an age when news travels at lightning speed. This is mostly a good thing. Long before our local evening news sports reporter tells us how many points our favorite player scored in the game, all we have to do is go to our smart phones, click on the sports app of our choice, and then find the link that tells us the scores of the day. We can even watch highlights of the game if want to on our smart phones, thus, momentarily eliminating the need to go home after work to watch the highlights on our televisions screens.
If we are political junkies, we can also go to our smart phones and read about national or global politics or watch live coverage of congressional hearings right in the comfort of our homes. If we are addicted to celebrity culture, we can go to websites dedicated to revealing the good and not so good choices of our favorite stars, oftentimes, soon after a good or bad incident has occurred.
The bad part about news traveling at lightning speed, though, is that it does not give us opportunities to daydream, think quietly, or to sit in silence. The fact that news is just a few clicks away or on television all day denies us chances to use our imaginations these days. Imagining who we are or who we want to be is part of the human experience, but increasingly our human experience is competing with media that wants to do the imagining for us. Since news is so instantaneous, it is almost impossible to escape its tentacles.
For our 2015 meeting, CEA invites papers and panels that will ask all of us to momentarily put away our smart phones, laptops, tablets, etc., so that we can refocus our energies on the wonders of our imaginations to consider the following questions: In what ways can we encourage our institutions, colleagues, students, and even ourselves to find meaning in using our imaginations for self-reflection and creative output? And how can we use those introspective moments, broadly speaking, to help us to become better teachers?
General Call for Papers
In addition to our conference theme, CEA also welcomes proposals for presentations by teachers, scholars, and graduate students in any of the areas English departments typically encompass, including literature, creative writing, composition, pedagogy, technical communication, professional writing, computers and writing, languages, linguistics, digital humanities, and film. We also welcome papers on areas that influence our work as academics, including student demographics, student/instructor accountability and assessment, student advising, academic leadership in departments and programs, and the place of the English department in the university overall. Proposals may interpret the CEA theme broadly, including but not limited to the following areas:
Special Topics
CEA also welcomes proposals addressing the following special topics. Please specify topic areas when submitting your proposals.
▪Academic Administration Leadership
▪Accommodating Disability in the English Classroom
▪African American Literature
▪American Literature: early, 19th‐century, 20th & 21st‐century
▪Blackfriars (American Shakespeare Center)
▪Book History and Textual Criticism
▪British Literature: Medieval, Renaissance, Restoration & 18th‐century, 19th‐century, 20th & 21st‐century
▪Byron Society of America (BSA)
▪Caribbean Literature
▪Children's and Adolescent Literature
▪Closing the Loop Through Assessment in Composition and Literature Courses
▪Composition and Rhetoric
▪Creative Writing: fiction, poetry, non‐fiction
▪Digital Humanities
▪Disability Studies
▪Film and Literature
▪Film Studies
▪Food and the Literary Imagination
▪Graphic Novels
▪Hispanic, Latino(a), and Chicano(a) Literature
▪Irish Literature
▪Law and Literature
▪Learning Outcomes and Assessment
▪Literary Theory
▪Literature and the Healing Arts
▪Literature Pedagogy
▪Metacognition, Active Learning, & Supportive Technology in the Literature or Composition Classroom
▪Multicultural Literature
▪Native American Literature
▪Peace Studies
▪Popular Culture
▪Post-Colonial Literature
▪Religion and Literature
▪Scottish Literature
▪Service Learning in English Courses—Composition and Literature
▪Short Story: Criticism
▪Teacher Education
▪Technical Communication
▪The Profession
▪Thomas Merton (International Thomas Merton Society)
▪Transatlantic Literature
▪Trauma and Literature
▪Travel and Literature
▪True Crime
▪War and Literature
▪World Literature
Online Submissions
CEA prefers to receive submissions electronically through our conference management database housed at the following web address:
Electronic submissions open 15 August and close on 1 November 2014. Abstracts for proposals should be between 200 and 500 words in length and should include a title.
Submitting electronically involves setting up a user ID, then using that ID to log in – this time to a welcome page which provides a link for submitting proposals to the conference. If you are submitting a panel with multiple participants, please create a user ID for each proposed participant. If you have attended CEA before and are willing to serve as a session chair or respondent for a panel other than your own, please indicate so on your submission.
Important Information for Presenters
▪ A-V equipment and any form of special accommodation must be requested
at the time of proposal submission.
▪ CEA can provide DVD players, overhead projectors, data projectors, and CD/cassette players, but not computers or Internet access.
▪ To preserve time for discussion, CEA limits all presentations to 15 minutes.
▪ Notifications of proposal status will be sent around 5 December 2014.
▪ All presenters must join CEA by 1 January 2015 to appear on the program.
▪ No person may make more than one presentation at the conference.
▪ Presenters must make their own presentation; no proxies are allowed.
▪ CEA welcomes graduate student presenters, but does not accept proposals from undergraduates.
▪ CEA does not sponsor or fund travel or underwrite participant costs.
▪ Papers must be presented in English.
Note to Graduate Students
▪ Graduate students may submit their conference presentation for the CEA Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award (see below), which carries a small prize.
▪ Information on how to submit that paper will be sent to accepted panelists after the membership deadline.
▪ Graduate students are asked to identify themselves as such in their proposals so we can send information about the Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award when it is available.
Join the College English Association
To join the College English Association or to find out more information about the conference, please see the CEA website at
All presenters at the 2015 CEA conference must become members of CEA by January 1, 2015. To join CEA, please go to
More Information
* Get short, timely messages from CEA via Twitter:
* Connect with CEA on Facebook:
* Find out more about conference lodging and registration:
* Contact CEA officers:
Other questions? Please email
Dr. Jamie L. McDaniel
Assistant Professor of English
Director, Technical / Professional Writing
Co-Director, Interdisciplinary Film and Media Studies Minor
Editor, The CEA Forum
Pittsburg State University
Grubbs Hall 402
1701 South Broadway
Pittsburg, KS 66762