
displaying 211 - 225 of 484

Deeo Naturalism

Wednesday, September 17, 2014 - 4:02pm
ASLE (Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment) June 23-7 2015, Moscow ID; abstracts by Nov 15

CFP: Deep Naturalism (ASLE conference, June 23-7 2015, Moscow ID; abstracts by Nov 15)

Posthuman Gothic (Published Collection) - Call for Chapters

Wednesday, September 17, 2014 - 4:02pm
Anya Heise-von der Lippe (University of Tübingen, Germany)

The posthuman intersects with the Gothic in a number of interesting ways, which involve both narrative and critical discourses. On the one hand, Gothic aesthetics are frequently employed in expressing cultural fears of techno-scientific progress and its posthuman creations, as contemporary popular culture is teeming with posthuman literary and cinematic monsters and swamped by panicmongering media stories of out-of-control artificial intelligence and zombifying pandemics. On the other hand, Gothic criticism - often concerned with the exploration of liminal or abject, monstrous others, and how they challenge the human's sense of being and identity - offers useful approaches to critically frame these cultural fears and issues.

Call for Articles: "Writing Creaturely Lives: Literature, Culture, History" (Abstracts due January 15, 2015)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014 - 3:30pm
Dominik Ohrem

We invite proposals for contributions to be included in a projected volume on the notion of "the creaturely" as a way of conceptualizing forms and modes of life within, between, across or beyond species that allow us to challenge or problematize clear-cut notions of the human and the animal (including an idea of human-animal relations as an interaction between two or more neatly separated and separable entities). The creaturely, as we understand it, can refer both to conceptions, experiences or narratives of human animality as well as the manifold and often ambivalent relations between the human and the nonhuman ranging from the hegemonic to the heterotopian or the transgressive.

CFP: Black Performing Arts (PCA/ACA National Conference, New Orleans, April 1-4, 2015)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014 - 3:17pm
Michael Borshuk, Texas Tech University

Black Performing Arts: Sound, Movement, Image, Text

Popular Culture Association & American Culture Association
2015 Joint National Conference

New Orleans Marriott
555 Canal Street
New Orleans, LA 70130
Hotel Phone: 1-888-364-1200

April 1-4, 2015

Call For Proposals: Sessions, Panels, Papers


April 1 - 4 2015, New Orleans Any area of Africana including Music, literature, dance, religion,

Wednesday, September 17, 2014 - 2:47pm
Popular culture association

Popular culture Association is seeking papers for the African American Culture section. Papers including but not limited to African traditional and contemporary culture, Literature, dance, Popular terrorism, material culture, Music, clothing styles, folklore, popular medicine, alternative spirituality and any aspect of AFrican derived culture especially music, literature and dance. contact Popular culture Association website at
www.h-net.org/~pcaaca. mark subject line with PCA.

[REMINDER] Detective Fiction and Emerging Technologies (NeMLA 2015)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014 - 12:46pm
Northeast Modern Language Association

This Northeast Modern Language Association panel will examine the relationship between detective fiction and technology, broadly defined. Why do detective characters choose their technologies—notebooks, magnifying glasses, DNA analysis? How can we read detectives as figures in active response to emerging technologies? Does technology pose its own mysteries which require the negotiation of the detective figure, or is the detective himself or herself a technological development?

The Woolfs and Africa; submissions due 15 September 2015

Wednesday, September 17, 2014 - 11:40am
Virginia Woolf Miscellany

Call for Papers
The Woolfs and Africa
Spring 2016 Special Issue of Virginia Woolf Miscellany
Submissions due: 15 September 2015

Essays requested on Virginia and/or Leonard Woolf and Africa. Topics include but are not limited to: Virginia Woolf and African writers; representations of Africa in Virginia's fiction and/or essays; Leonard's international politics/writing and Africa; imperialism, race, and Africa in the Woolfs' lives and work; teaching Virginia and/or Leonard Woolf in Africa; African perspectives on Virginia's feminism; African modernisms and Virginia Woolf; post-colonial African literature and Virginia Woolf.

"Expanding Boundaries and Reconceptualizing Text"

Wednesday, September 17, 2014 - 8:12am
University of South Florida English Graduate Student Association

In her 2014 Modern Language Association Presidential Address, "Connective Histories in Vulnerable Times," Marianne Hirsch reconfigures vulnerability. She asserts that answers to problems lie within the "aesthetic encounters" that we practice, study, and teach, which "elicit a sense of vulnerability that can move us toward an ethics and a politics of open endedness and mobility, attuning us to the needs of the present, potentialities for change, and to the future." Vulnerability, in essence, sustains us. In this era of STEM-focused funding and vast academic change, the humanities continue to reconfigure vulnerability into sustainability.

November 13-14 Conference: Abiding Cities, Remnant Sites -- CUNY Graduate Center, CFP due Sept 20

Tuesday, September 16, 2014 - 9:16pm
CUNY Graduate Center Department of Comparative Literature & Italian Specialization

Keynote Speakers: Elaine Scarry (Harvard) & Rosanna Warren (U of Chicago)

If you can blow whole places out of existence, you can blow whole places into it. - E. Bowen

The students of the Department of Comparative Literature and the Italian Specialization at the CUNY Graduate Center present the annual interdisciplinary conference entitled Abiding Cities, Remnant Sites to be held on November 13 and 14, 2014.

[UPDATE] NEMLA 2015 CFP Steampunk Femininity: Recasting the Angel in the House

Tuesday, September 16, 2014 - 7:33pm
Chamutal Noimann Borough of Manhattan Community College-CUNY


We seek proposals for an approved panel for the 2015 NEMLA conference in Toronto.

Through consistent creation of powerful female heroines the likes of which we have never seen in Victorian literature, Steampunk has emerged as a strong feminist voice that addresses contemporary and current discourses on femininity simultaneously and rethinks our ideas of Victorian gender roles. This panel seeks to examine how Steampunk Young Adult and graphic novels subvert Victorian patriarchy and Empire by creating an alternate past that reimagines them both. Please submit 300-word abstract and bio.

Area: British, Women's and Gender Studies

39th Annual PAC Conference, 6-7 March 2015 - Blockade Runner Beach Resort, Wilmington, North Carolina

Tuesday, September 16, 2014 - 2:26pm
Philological Association of the Carolinas

The Philological Association of the Carolinas invites you to submit papers related to this year's theme of cultural production. We welcome panel and paper proposals on the rhetorical situation of author and reader (producer-consumer); the historical and materialist context of cultural texts; translation; minor literature; and, of course, on Wilmywood films such as Blue Velvet, Empire Records, Firestarter, Lolita,and Iron Man 3.

Papers on literary, cultural, media, film and communication studies are also welcome, as are presentations on pedagogy, semiotics, linguistics, and literary and cultural theory.

International Pynchon Week: June 8-12 2015

Tuesday, September 16, 2014 - 2:22pm
International Pynchon Week 2015 - Pynchon on the Edge

International Pynchon Week: Pynchon on the Edge

Greek capital Athens hosts the first International Pynchon Week since the release of his eighth novel, Bleeding Edge. Here on the edges of the Mediterranean, of the European Union, of Western History, we have an opportunity not only to discuss the new novel, but also to reconsider the outer limits and internal limitations of the whole field of Pynchon studies. Paper proposals on any aspect of Pynchon's work, life, thought and significance are welcome, but particular weight will be given to proposals that contribute deliberately to a fresh demarcation of these edges.

[update] Alfred Hitchcock: An Interdisciplinary Study (submissions due Dec 1, 2014)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014 - 12:52pm
Humanities Education and Research Association

This special Spring 2015 issue of Interdisciplinary Humanities will focus on Alfred Hitchcock, the "master of suspense" whose career spanned from the 1920s to the 1970s. Hitchcock produced and directed over fifty motion pictures, in addition to hosting two anthology series on television. His film craftsmanship is still relevant today, as his influence is continuously cited by contemporary filmmakers and he is regularly taught in cinema classes. For this special issue, we will be looking for scholarly articles, book reviews, and nonfiction essays that explore various aspects of Hitchcock's work and personal life, and how the two often connected: music, television, gender, humor, voyeurism, film history, or film theory, to name just a few.
