[UPDATE] 22nd METU British Novelists Conference: Zadie Smith and Her Work, 26-27 March 2015, Turkey
Zadie Smith and Her Work
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Zadie Smith and Her Work
Les espaces de Blanchot
Editeurs : Laura Marin (CESI Bucarest), Arleen Ionescu (UPG Ploiesti)
« Une marche dans les régions frontières et en frontière de la marche » (L'Entretien infini).
Call for Papers
Princeton University Conference
April 10, 2015
Frames: Jewish Culture and the Comic Book
"Spiegelman prompts one to see the panel as a picture and a window, as an oxymoronic 'picture window' that must at once be looked at and looked through: looked at because its signifying surface does not simply efface itself, does not merely yield before the authority of a signified reality or become a transparent means to an end outside itself; looked through because such 'picture windows' do open onto other windows, onto the abyssal depths of panes within panes."
Michael G. Levine, "Necessary Stains: Spiegelman's Maus and the Bleeding of History"
Rethinking Democracy in Literature, Language and Culture
Conference of the Hellenic Association for the Study of English
School of English
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
15-17 May 2015
Extended Abstract Submission Deadline: 20 December 2014
Plenary Speakers
Athina Athanasiou, University of Athens
Peter Buse, Kingston University
John McLeod, University of Leeds
IJECM (ISSN 2348-0386) is a refereed monthly e-journal from Rochester, with a strong Editorial Board and a tested rapid review system. IJECM intends to contribute to the development & dissemination of knowledge on management, commerce & economics.
Submission: Inviting quality research papers/ review papers/ conceptual papers/ didactic articles for its Vol 3, issue 1. Submission due date is 31st Dec 2014. Release date is 15th Jan 2015.
Authors' guidelines: http://ijecm.co.uk/for-authors/
American, British and Canadian Studies, the Journal of the Academic Anglophone Society of Romania, invites submissions for a special issue on Changing Screen Cultures: New Archaeologies, Ecologies, Topologies. The special issue will explore patterns of continuity and change in Anglophone screen culture after the year 2000 within a wide spatial and conceptual frame.
There is a great deal of scholarship devoted to the lives of twentieth-century American writers, both white and black, who spent significant portions of their careers in Paris. We have numerous books on the impact of Paris itself on expatriate writers, on the Lost Generation, on Hemingway, Fitzgerald, and Stein as well as writers like Henry Miller and Djuna Barnes or the Beats in Paris after World War II. At the same time, research on African-American literature has produced a variety of quality works, such as Michel Fabre's From Harlem to Paris, that discuss black writers in Paris during the 1920s (Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, Claude McKay) as well as writers who went after World War II (Richard Wright, Chester Himes, James Baldwin).
Call for papers
'What's aught but as 'tis valued?'
William Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida, II.ii, 53
In times of austerity, it is more than ever essential that what and how we value, and the far-reaching effects of any such valuation, be closely examined. The need for such attention has become particularly urgent within universities, where recent reductions of funding have sparked a sharp increase of debate over 'the value of the Humanities'. With that in mind, the Oxford English Faculty Graduate Conference 2015 invites papers on all aspects of 'value', as a concept that has, and will always inspire great passion, and great controversy.
Revista Liberia will be publishing its third issue in May 2015.
Our third issue invites papers that take an interdisciplinary
approach in exploring the significance of new media and digital
humanities to studies of contemporary Hispanic literature, film,
visual culture, and history. We welcome papers that focus on
the use of new media and technologies, and traditional media
in the digital age.
We are also accepting open topic essays, reviews, and
Call for Streams – Deadline: 31 March 2015
Deadline: 31 December 2014
Quarter of a century ago, at the turn of 1989 and 1990, Central and Eastern Europe – then known as the 'Soviet bloc' – experienced an unprecedented socio-economic and political transformation. The hitherto existing system, known as 'Actually Existing Socialism', crumbled, and countries of the region started a transition towards a capitalist market economy and a political democracy.
Papers are invited on Multi-ethnic literature in United States which is a fast growing field in contemporary literary studies. The field is vast and needs ample attention to deal with issues on ethnicity, caste and race. MELUS (Multi-Ethnic Literature in United States) with more than forty ethnic groups still requires intense exploratory, analytic and comparative study and research. Multi-ethnic literature at a broader level includes Native American literature, Latino American literature, African American literature, Asian and Pacific American literature and Euro-American literature.
III Inaugural Conference: Re-visioning Space(s), Time and Bodies
9-11 April, 2015: Main Conference
8 April, 2015: 1-day Writing and Publishing Workshop
Throughout history our understandings of categories such as space, time, and bodies have changed. Living in a more than human world, we have constructed these categories into systems of shared, and often unquestioned, meaning. This method of organising knowledge acquisition has a tendency to construct boundaries or borders which conceals the complex nature and varied connections between spatiality, instances of time and understandings of bodies.
Call for chapters for an edited volume