Brevity is the soul of wit (12/15/14)

full name / name of organization: 
Angles: French Perspectives on the Anglophone World

For its inaugural issue, Angles: French Perspectives on the Anglophone World welcomes original proposals inspired by the celebrated aphorism: 'Brevity is the soul of wit'.

This issue of Angles will be an opportunity to discuss the links with humor, irony, and short forms of expression (mots d'esprit, soundbites, slogans) in a host of contexts: literary, linguistic, social, political
and artistic.

For a complete CFP, please visit:

Additional, off-topic contributions are also welcome.

In addition to traditional academic articles, Angles accepts scholarly contributions in non-traditional forms (documentary film, short story, comic book, manifesto, pamphlet…). Angles also encourages proposals meeting high standards of scholarship from academics wishing to experiment with different disciplinary perspectives.

Deadline for ABSTRACTS: 15 December 2014.

For more information: