
displaying 391 - 403 of 403

Update-Call for Papers: Adaptation: Literature, Film, and Culture

Sunday, November 2, 2014 - 12:48pm
Southwest Popular / American Culture Association (SWPACA) 36th Annual Conference, February 11-14, 2015

Call for Papers: Adaptation: Literature, Film, and Culture
Southwest Popular / American Culture Association (SWPACA)
36th Annual Conference, February 11-14, 2015

Popular and American Culture Studies 2015 Conference Theme: "Many Faces, Many Voices: Intersecting Borders in Popular and American Culture."

Hyatt Regency Hotel & Conference Center
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Proposal submission deadline extended to November 15, 2014

Apocalypse, Dystopia, and Disaster in Culture (2/11-14, 2015 ; Abstract Due Nov 15) [Update]

Sunday, November 2, 2014 - 12:45pm
36th Annual Southwest Popular/American Culture Association in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Deadline Extended to November 15th!

Apocalypse, Dystopia, and Disaster in Culture
Area of the Southwest Popular/American Culture Association
36th Annual Conference
Conference Theme: "Many Faces, Many Voices: Intersecting Borders in Popular Culture"
February 11-14, 2015 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel

Our area now includes "dystopia"! The Apocalypse, Dystopia, and Disaster in Culture Area is calling for papers about anything apocalyptic, dystopic, or disaster-related. This can be in movies, television, literature, graphic novels, or any other cultural examples of disaster, dystopia, or the end.

[UPDATE] "The Rule of Threes: Death, Humor, and Repetition"

Sunday, November 2, 2014 - 12:19pm
GSU New Voices Graduate Student Conference

The New Voices Planning Committee is proud to announce that we are now accepting proposals for the 2015 New Voices Conference. This year's annual conference will be held February 5-7, 2015 at Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia, and will feature papers, panels, workshops, creative writing readings, and speakers related to our annual theme, which is as follows.

Nobody Understand Me. Evil Kids in Children's Literature

Sunday, November 2, 2014 - 11:40am
Children's Literature Society/American Literature Association Conference

Nobody Understand Me. Evil Kids in Children's Literature

Do researchers understand evil kid characters? In children's literature, the evil kid school of thought changes with history. Authors write the Puritan notion of the sinful kid school, the Lockean ignorant but educable kid, and the Romantic idealized innocent virtuous redeeming somewhat helpless kid. Modern, Postmodern, and New Sincerity "evil" kids range from bullies to baby vampires to misunderstood villains like Gregory Maguire's character Elphaba from his book Wicked: The Life and Ties of the Wicked Witch of the West (1995).

The Politics and Morality of Children's Literature: From Left to Right

Sunday, November 2, 2014 - 11:39am
Children's Literature Society/American Literature Association Conference

Authors use children's literature to communicate their political and moral viewpoints. For example, authors in the 19th century publish religious, didactic, cautionary stories and poetry in children's books to teach moral lessons. Not long after that, Nonsense writers challenge this form by irreverently writing and drawing mayhem as an alternative to worship of morality and the status quo. Recently, Michelle Abate in her book Raising Your Kids Right illustrates how conservative, right-wing values have become the subject of children's literature. On the other side of the political spectrum, we have a lineage from Dr.


Sunday, November 2, 2014 - 10:42am
Southwest Popular/American Culture Association

The deadline for proposals for the Film Studies Area at the 2015 SWPACA Conference has been extended until November 15, 2014.

We invite you to submit presentations about contemporary and classic film, ranging from critical essays to analyses employing recognized research methodologies. Paper presentations should be 15 minutes and should present an arguable thesis or develop a compelling question.

Submit a proposal with the following items:
• 250-word abstract, including paper/presentation title;
• current curriculum vitae;
• working bibliography for your paper; and
• contact information (name and email). 

[UPDATE] CFP Computer Culture (SWPACA Conference Feb. 11-14, 2015) Extended Deadline

Sunday, November 2, 2014 - 9:32am
Natasha Chuk – Southwest Popular / American Culture Association Conference

Computer Culture Area
36th Annual Southwest Popular / American Culture Association Conference
February 11-14, 2015
Hyatt Regency, Albuquerque, NM


Proposals for papers are now being accepted for the area of Computer Culture, as one of the many areas within the 36th annual conference of the Southwest Popular/American Culture Association (SWPACA). Please consider submitting.

This year's conference theme is:

Many Faces, Many Voices: Intersecting Borders in Popular and American Culture

[UPDATE] CFP - Digital Humanities Area, Southwest Popular/American Culture Association

Sunday, November 2, 2014 - 6:22am
Digital Humanities Area, Soutwest Popular/American Culture Association

Proposal deadline extended to November 15, 2014. Please join us for the 36th annual conference of the Southwest Popular/American Culture Association, February 11-14, 2015, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel and Conference Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The theme for 2015 is "Many Face, Many Voices: Intersecting Borders in Popular and American Culture."

WSQ Survival Issue [Due March 1, 2015]

Saturday, November 1, 2014 - 3:12pm
WSQ at the Feminist Press

Call for Papers, Poetry and Prose

WSQ Special Issue Spring 2016: Survival
Guest Editors: Frances Bartowski, Elena Glasberg, and Taylor Black

[UDATE] Andrew Marvell Society Calls for Papers

Saturday, November 1, 2014 - 6:43am
Andrew Marvell Society

We are actively seeking contributions of various kinds to the conference and journal of the Andrew Marvell Society.

- Explorations of "Daphnis and Chloe." The Society invites abstracts for papers on any aspect of Marvell's poem "Daphnis and Chloe," to be presented at our annual meeting in Raleigh, NC, March 12-14, 2015. Abstracts must be submitted by December 1 at http://www.scrc.us.com/discoveries/abstract-submission-form/. Papers chosen for this panel will be published as a group in the Summer 2015 issue of the Society's official publication, the Andrew Marvell Newsletter.

CFP - December issue (Vol 2, issue 12)

Saturday, November 1, 2014 - 6:20am
IJECM Publ, Rochester, United Kingdom

Dear Researcher,
International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management (IJECM ISSN 2348-0386) is a refereed monthly e-journal from Rochester, with a strong Editorial Board and a tested rapid review system.

IJECM intends to contribute to the development & dissemination of knowledge on management, commerce & economics.

Submission: Inviting quality research papers/ review papers/ conceptual papers/ didactic articles for its Dec issue (vol 2, issue 12)

Submission deadline: 30th Nov'14 Publication date: 15th Dec'14

Authors' guidelines: http://ijecm.co.uk/for-authors/
