Edith Wharton Prize for a Beginning Scholar

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Edith Wharton Society
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Edith Wharton Society Awards 2015-2016

Edith Wharton Prize for a Beginning Scholar

Formerly known as the "Edith Wharton Essay Prize," this award, instituted in the fall of 2005, recognizes the best unpublished essay on Edith Wharton by a beginning scholar: advanced graduate students, independent scholars, and faculty members who have not held a tenure=track or full-time appointment for
more than four years.

The winning and second-place essays will be submitted
for review and possible publication to the Editorial Board of
The Edith Wharton Review, a peer-reviewed journal indexed in the MLA Bibliography and soon to be published by Penn State University Press. The author of the prize-winning
essay will receive an award of $250. All entries will be conside red for publication in The Edith Wharton Review as well as for the Prize for a Beginning Scholar. Submissions should be 20-30 pages and should follow the 7th edition MLA style, using endnotes, not footnotes. Applicants should not identify themselves on the manuscript but should provide a separate cover page that includes their names, academic status, emai address,
postal addresses, and the notation "The Edith Wharton Prize for a Beginning Scholar."

To submit an essay for the prize, send it as an anonymized MS Word attachment, plus a cover letter with contact information and "Edith Wharton Prize for Beginning Scholar" clearly indicated in the email subject line, to the following address
by June 15, 2015:

Emily Orlando
President, Edith Wharton Society
De partment of English
Fairfield University
