Alice Munro and Her Contemporaries: Influences and Parallels (NEMLA, Hartford, CT, March 17-20 2016)

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Northeast Modern Language Association
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Even before she won the Nobel Prize in 2013, Alice Munro was the source of much scholarly interest, in Canada and internationally, in part because of her profound sense of her literary predecessors and peers. Her fiction has been read in many ways, but we still need a sharper sense of her affinities with and differences from her contemporaries. She has been frequently cited by other writers as a key influence, but how does the influence work in particular stories? How does the sense of place differ in Margaret Atwood or Lorrie Moore? To what extent does Munro's engagement with metafiction in the 1970s reflect a wider trend, and how do other writers deal with the ethical issues that arise when they use their own lives as material for fiction? How does Munro's representation of aging compare with similar work by others? Send 250-word proposals by September 30, 2015, to