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PAMLA 2016: Disney and Its Worlds (abstract: 6/10/16; conference: 11/11-11/13/2016)

Sunday, May 1, 2016 - 5:50pm
Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA)

From the Frankfurt School to contemporary cultural studies, the social ramifications of Disney movies and theme parks, and their cultural penumbra, have long provided rich terrain for critical scholarly analysis. This panel explores the discursive, literary, filmic, and historical dimensions of the Disney phenomenon in both the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Papers that draw upon the rich canon of scholarship on Disney and engage with its cultural effects through critical theory, spatial or historical analysis, Feminist methodologies, or close reading strategies are particularly encouraged.

Proposals attending to the conference theme "Archives, Libraries, Properties" are especially welcome.

PAMLA 2016: 21st Century Literature (abstract: 6/10/16; conference: 11/11-11/13/2016)

Sunday, May 1, 2016 - 5:46pm
Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA)

This special session will examine literature of various genres and cultural contexts from the first fifteen years of the 21st century, with consideration of emergent definitions of our current literary era.

Proposals attending to the conference theme "Archives, Libraries, Properties" are especially welcome.

Submit proposals of roughly 500 words as well as a 50-word abstract by June 10, 2016. Proposals must be submitted through the PAMLA online system: http://www.pamla.org/node/add/proposal.

Beyond the Spine: Experimental Poetics and Form (abstract: 6/10/16; conference: 11/11-11/13/2016)

Sunday, May 1, 2016 - 5:38pm
Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA)

This panel invites examinations and analysis of poetic form and content beyond the page: interactive constructions, poetry postcards, accordion/folded page books, tarot pack books, diaorama/shadow box poem, and more: all these re-form both the poem and the reader. We ask, "is form never more than an extension of content"? - See more at: http://www.pamla.org/2016/topics/beyond-spine-experimental-poetics-and-f...

Proposals attending to the conference theme "Archives, Libraries, Properties" are especially welcome.

PAMLA 2016: Children's Literature (abstract: 6/10/16; conference: 11/11-11/13/2016)

Sunday, May 1, 2016 - 5:23pm
Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA)

This session is open to papers dealing with any aspect of children's literature. This year, however, we are particularly interested in papers dealing with children's books and book production, the transformaiton of the children's book, the children's book as work of art, children's books by authors mostly known for adult literature, or children's literature and the family.

Submit proposals of roughly 500 words as well as a 50-word abstract by June 10, 2016. Proposals must be submitted through the PAMLA online system: http://www.pamla.org/node/add/proposal.

The Apollonian Vol. 3, Issues 1 & 2 (March-June 2016) Joint "OPEN ISSUE"

Sunday, May 1, 2016 - 4:56pm
The Apollonian: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies

We seek essays that are interdisciplinary in nature. Papers should not be merely descriptive but involve a philosophical/theoretical exploration of the issues. Any papers that merely describe the events journalistically will be rejected outright. Please see our submission guidelines for further details.

We also seek book reviews within 1200 words and conforming to the MLA style. For works academic and non-fiction works, the books to be reviewed should have been published between 2014 and the present. For works of fiction, the reviews are to be restricted to books published from 2015 to the present.

Marvell at RSA 2017

Sunday, May 1, 2016 - 2:18pm
Andrew Marvell Society

For the 2017 RSA in Chicago, the Andrew Marvell Society welcomes submissions on topics such as

• Non-Historicist Approaches to Marvell
• Cognitive/Evolutionary Approaches to Marvell
• Marvell and Holland
• Marvell and Religion
• Marvell and the Duke of Buckingham

Please send CVs and proposals (max. 150 words) to Alex Garganigo (agarganigo@austincollege.edu) by 24 May 2016.

Non-Historicist Approaches to Marvell
