Medievalism and Pedagogy (Kalamazoo 2017)

deadline for submissions: 
September 15, 2016
full name / name of organization: 
Audrey Becker / Medieval Association of the Midwest (MAM)
contact email: 

“[M]edievalism now features in hundreds of currently taught university and college-based courses, especially in English Literature departments across and beyond the English-speaking world...” writes Louise D’Arcens in the introduction to the new Cambridge Companion to Medievalism (2016). This session will explore the implications of teaching medieval studies through or alongside medievalism(s). How do students—many of whom are newly engaged with studies of medieval topics—perceive the distinction between medieval and medievalism? To what degree does medievalism affect/inflect non-literary studies of the Middle Ages (in history or art history courses, for example)? What pedagogical practices most compellingly introduce, complicate, and/or sustain critical conversations about the Middle Ages? To what degree do key ideas—authenticity, anachronism, nostalgia, temporality, etc.—enter into class discussions?


Proposals (200 words) for presentations of no more than 20 minutes should be sent to Audrey Becker ( no later than Sept. 15.  Proposals should be accompanied by the Participant Information Form, available at


Those who are not currently members are welcome to submit to sessions sponsored by the Medieval Association of the Midwest but are expected to join ($25) upon acceptance. 
