"Europa vs Europa""

deadline for submissions: 
October 16, 2016
full name / name of organization: 
Mise en Abyme. International Journal of Comparative Literature and Arts
contact email: 

Call for papers

Mise en Abyme. International Journal of Comparative Literature and Arts - Nr 5 (July/December 2016) - Deadline: 16th October 2016


The theme for the monographic section of issue nr 5 (July/December 2016) will be Europe vs Europe.

 The proposal relates to the recent events that have been challenging the concept of European Union thus opening up new political, economical and social scenarios, from Brexit to the humanitarian border crisis. The editors wish to encourage critical discussion on the relationship between Europe and literature, arts, cinema and performing arts in its manifold directions and implications.

 We particularly look forward to receiving contributions on texts and works that have fostered either the union or the separation of European countries, as well as on those that have shown historical traumas or the contrasts between Western and Eastern Europe, ranging from Picasso’s Guernica to Le Carré’s The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, and including dystopian and uchronian publications, such as Orwell’s 1984, Harris’ Fatherland, Moore’s V for Vendetta.

 Contributions are welcome in the following areas: Literature, Theatre, Dance, Cinema, Music, Visual Arts, Critical Theory and Theory of Literature and Arts.

 Articles length for both the monographic and the miscellaneous sections should be between 30,000 and 40,000 keystrokes (spaces included). The accepted languages are English, French, Italian, Spanish and German.

​Contributions should be sent electronically to journal.abyme@gmail.com and should include the author’s complete contact information (name, university affiliation, address and email).

The deadline for submission is 16th October 2016.

Website: http://journalabyme.wixsite.com/mise-en-abyme/submit