call for paper
The Journal of Alterity Studies and World Literature (an Australian peer-reviewed online journal) invites articles for its inaugural issue. The journal focuses on issues of identity and otherness in literature, art, film, television, theatre and philosophy. We welcome articles from world literature, postcolonial, queer and feminist subjects and their intersections which provide a way to interpret literary and cultural productions.
Send articles to Please mention in the email's subject line whether it is an article or a review.
Word Limit: Articles range from 5000–10000 words.
Reviews 1000–4000 words.
The articles should be formatted in the Chicago Manual Style 16th edition. Endnotes rather than footnotes preferred. No bibliography required. Abstracts should be approximately 350 words. Up to 8 key words. 100 word biographical statement. UK English preferred.
See the style guide here: journal_of_alterity_studies_and_world_literature.pdf
We intend to acquire an ISSN for the journal as soon as we have a first issue prepared as per the requirements of the National Library of Australia.
Deadline: 30 November, 2016.