Research project and web portal Polyphonie. Mehrsprachigkeit_Kreativität_Schreiben
The editors Beate Baumann (University of Catania), Michaela Bürger-Koftis (University of Genoa) and Sandra Vlasta (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz) kindly invite contributors to send proposals for the multilingual web portal Polyphonie. Mehrsprachigkeit_Kreativität_Schreiben (, ISSN 2304-7607).
This international research project investigates the many and diverse connections between multilingualism and creativity in writing systematically and from an interdisciplinary perspective. The aim of the project is to explore the more or less close relationship between individual/social multilingualism and creativity in general, and in particular literary creativity.
On the web portal’s publication platform contributions from the fields of biography studies, research on multilingualism, neurolinguistics, applied linguistics, translation studies, literary studies, comparative studies, media and communication studies are published. New contributions are being published twice a year, the platform is updated in June and December.
Contributors are kindly invited to send their proposals for contributions for the issue to be published in December 2016. The contributions should comply with the web portal’s research focus and correspond to one of the fields present on the web portal. Please send your abstract (500 words) together with your contact details and a short academic CV to the editors ( Contributions are welcome in English, German and Italian.
The final contribution should not exceed 7.000 words and should be introduced by an abstract (max. 100 words) in English.
Deadline for abstracts: September 30, 2016
Acknowledgement by the editors: October 15, 2016
Deadline for contributions: December 5, 2016