deadline for submissions: 
January 31, 2017
full name / name of organization: 
The Institute of English and American Studies of the University of Gdańsk; The Polish Association for the Study of English; The Polish Society for the Study of European Romanticism
contact email: 

We hope to stimulate academic research and discussion around the theme of cognition, in relation to language (including language teaching), literature, translation and culture. In every aspect of our lives we make judgments and assessments and encounter judgments and assessments made by others, without necessarily examining closely the perspectives, methodologies or theoretical assumptions on which these judgments are based. What established procedures and canons of seeing and understanding govern the way we teach, the way we translate, or the direction of our research in any given area? Is there a need for these procedures or canons to be revised, modified or even abandoned altogether? What benefits derive from following a given procedure or methodology? How and why have ways of seeing in a given field changed over the years? What are the difficulties of defining a canon in any given field? These are only some of the questions that the conference would hope to explore. The list below, which is far from exhaustive, provides some suggestions as to areas of possible interest for panel papers.

Theories of literary and cultural studies
Themes of [re]cognition and [mis]understanding in literary texts and texts of culture Defining/re-defining/extending literary canons
Cognition on stage and in printed drama

Languages of theatre
Literature/theatre/film and science
Literature/theatre/film and truth
The fashioning and refashioning of literary conventions in response to changing world views and paradigm shifts

Cognition and language
Theories of language (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics) Testing linguistic theories
Theories of language and field research
Comparative phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics Synchronic and diachronic study of language
Language and reality, language and culture, linguistic relativity today
Logic and linguistics
Psychological, sociological and cultural aspects of bi-/multilingualism Ethnography of communication

Language teaching/learning and cognition Language teaching/learning and culture Teaching/learning language skills Teaching/learning components of language Language teacher training

Bilingual education

Translation theory vs. translation theories
Changing objectives of Translation Studies (the “turns” in TS)
Changing methodologies in TS
Empiricism and translation studies
Translation technology and epistemological concerns
Translation industry, translation market and new perspectives in translation studies Plurilingualism vs. the concept of translation
The impact of ideological concerns on translation and translation studies Sociology of translation

Proposals for twenty-minute papers inspired by the theme of the conference should be sent to 2017pase@gmail.com by 31 January 2017. Proposals, not exceeding 200 words, should state the author’s name, academic title, affiliation and contact details, and include a short bio note (up to 100 words).

Please include your surname in the file name for ease of identification.

Dr hab. Mirosława Modrzewska, Prof. UG Director
Institute of English and American Studies

Dr Tomasz Wiśniewski
Director of Research
Institute of English and American Studies

Dr Magdalena Wawrzyniak-Śliwska Director of Studies
Institute of English and American Studies

Dr Tomasz Wiśniewski
Dr Maria Fengler
Dr Magdalena Wawrzyniak-Śliwska Dr Magdalena Bielenia-Grajewska Dr Karolina Janczukowicz
Dr Małgorzata Smentek
Dr Agnieszka Wawrzyniak
Dr Grzegorz Welizarowicz
Tadeusz Wolański, MA