General Call for Papers
ACQL Annual Conference, Ryerson University, May 27-29 2017
Formed in 1975 during the period that witnessed the ratification of Canadian biculturalism, ACQL has, over the course of 40 years, emerged as Canada’s principal association for showcasing bilingual research in Canadian and Québec literatures. ACQL’s annual conference will take place at the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities being held at Ryerson University in Toronto from May 27-29, 2017.
General Call for Papers
The general call for papers invites proposals for 15-20 minute papers, in English or in French, on research, teaching, and professional matters of relevance to current or prospective members. Paper proposals should be no more than 300 words, and should be accompanied by a short biography and a 50 word abstract (in Word or RTF). They are due on or before 1 February 2017.
Member-Organized Sessions
We also welcome proposals for member-organized sessions on any aspect of the study of Canadian and Quebec literatures. We encourage proposals for a variety of session types:
- Traditional Panel: Participants present 15-20 minute papers that address the panel topic.
- Seminar Workshop: Participants complete their papers in advance and distribute them to other seminar participants prior to the conference. Participants may still present formal papers of 15-20 minutes, although seminar organizers may choose to shorten the length of presentations in favour of lengthening the discussion period.
- Roundtable: Participants give brief presentations (roughly 5-10 minutes) in response to a specific question or concern, followed by discussion and debate with the audience.
- Pecha Kucha: 20 images are displayed for 20 second each, with explanation or commentary keyed to the images.
- Poster Session: Participants present visual representations of their research in an informal setting at a predetermined place and time.
- Creative Session: Participants read work in fiction, non-fiction, poetry, or other genres, followed by discussion with the audience.
- Professional Development Workshop: Intensive presentations, led by a moderator, revolving around issues of professional development that are of specific relevance to Canadian and Québec Studies, or around workplace issues of concern to members at all stages of their academic careers.
We welcome proposals for member-organized sessions in any of the above formats. Calls for member-organized sessions should be no more than 300 words. They are due on or before 15 November 2016 and will be posted on the ACQL website. Please specify the nature of your presentation (traditional panel, poster, pecha kucha, etc.)
All paper or session proposals can be written in either French or English and must be sent to both coordinators listed below. Those who propose papers or sessions must be members of the ACQL by 1 March 2017. See the ACQL website ( for membership and registration information (coming soon).
Coordinator (English)
Professor Andrea Cabajsky
Department of English
Université de Moncton
19 Antonine Maillet Ave.
Moncton, NB
E1A 3E9
Telephone: (506) 858-4250
Fax: (506) 858-4166
Coordinator (French)
Professor Élise Lepage
Department of French Studies
University of Waterloo
ML 330
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, ON
N2L 3G1
Telephone: (519) 888-4567 x33593