CFP: After the Election

deadline for submissions: 
November 30, 2017
full name / name of organization: 
contact email: 



CFP: After the Election


Intermezzo, a digital longform publication - - seeks submissions that deal the recent Presidential election and the public fallout from its results.


The election of Donald Trump has shocked academics, liberals, Democrats, and even some Republicans. There has been a flood of information and analysis published prior to and after the election regarding Trump’s suitability to be president, an emerging culture of fear, international relations, protests, the rise of the Alt-Right, the disenfranchisement of specific voters, an angry middle and working class, safe spaces on college campuses, immigration, and a general confusion as to how Trump won the election. It only took hours for the Internet to become the publishing site of response.


Response is a primary feature of writing, and the Trump election has unleashed response beyond any one person’s ability to follow it all. Despite all of these responses, and despite the debates currently occurring across all media among those who oppose and those who support Trump, Intermezzo seeks nuanced, personal, politicized, angry, hostile, unsettled, scared, or even sympathetic responses not yet seen in either online forums or print publications. We seek writings that challenge readers, that provoke readers, and that encourage readers to continue to debate the potential outcome of Trump’s presidency.


Intermezzo seeks 20-80,000 word submissions that explore the election from a variety of positions. These positions may be partisan or not. Acceptance will not be based on political position, but rather on quality and uniqueness of approach.


We are also interested in submissions which take advantage of organizational strategies print publications might not publish – such as the inclusion of audio, imagery, and video.


All work published with Intermezzo undergoes peer review. Intermezzo is committed to providing an outlet for essays too long for journal publication, but too short for monograph publication. Essays are published as open source, are registered with the Library of Congress,  and receive ISBN numbers.  They may include multimedia as well. Intermezzo expects to publish five new works in the next year and is one of the fastest growing outlets of alterative academic work.


Intermezzo is meant to be a venue where writers can produce scholarly work in unique ways, outside of institutional or disciplinary expectation, and it takes advantage of digital media as a platform for both content and distribution of timely topics.


Intermezzo accepts longform essays on a rolling submission basis, with no deadlines.


Please submit submissions, abstracts, or queries to


Jeff Rice

Series Editor