Poetry & Poetics of the 1990s

deadline for submissions: 
March 15, 2017
full name / name of organization: 
National Poetry Foundation / University of Maine
contact email: 

The Editorial Collective of the National Poetry Foundation invites paper and panel proposals for the last in our sequence of “decade” conferences, to be devoted to the Poetry and Poetics of the 1990s, American and international, and to be held June 28 – July 1, 2017 on the flagship campus of the University of Maine System in Orono, Maine.

The NPF welcomes paper and panel proposals on any and all aspects of poetic practice in the decade of the 1990s. What emerged? What changed? What happened just out of frame? What connections brought poetry into dialog with other fields? What social and political contexts mattered most? What of the present can be traced back to that moment? What poets, poetic formations, tendencies in poetics warrant our continued attention? What accidents of reception might we now revisit and perhaps repair?

Prospective participants are encouraged to draw on the full range of archival resources in conceiving their projects, including the digital audio, digital video, and digital facsimile holdings now widely available on-line. Panels and papers that foreground the diversity of poetry practices and communities in the 1990s are especially welcome.

As with previous NPF conferences, the scholarly presentations and panels will be complemented by numerous poetry readings, including plenary readings by notable figures associated with the decade being explored.

Small-press and academic publishers are also invited to take part in our book fair.

Paper proposals consisting of a title and a brief (300-500 word) abstract should be directed to the NPF Editorial Collective at npf.paideuma@gmail.com.

Panel proposals should include a brief rationale for the envisioned grouping. Proposals for alternative forms of intellectual practice/presentation, such as roundtables or seminars, will be read with interest.

The deadline for proposals is March 15, 2017.

Queries may be directed to any member of the Editorial Collective:

Carla Billitteri (carla.billitteri@maine.edu)
Steve Evans (steven.evans@maine.edu)
Benjamin Friedlander (benjamin.friedlander@maine.edu)
Jennifer Moxley (jennifer.moxley@maine.edu)

Visit npfconferences for information about previous NPF conferences and our Facebook page for updates about the upcoming one.