[Convocatoria-Call for papers] Revista CS | Issue: Journalism, media and agendas, towards self-managed citizenships?

deadline for submissions: 
March 10, 2017
full name / name of organization: 
Universidad Icesi
contact email: 

In the aims of opening a space for research and academic analysis on the current and future scope of this progress and counter-progress, the Master in Journalism and the CS Journal of the Icesi University, invite researchers of national and international academic community to contribute to this issue devoted to the topic of Journalism, media and agendas, towards self-managed citizenships?. Therefore, all interested academics are invited to submit research, reflection or literature review originals and unpublished articles addressing any of the following thematic areas:

  • New perspectives and debates in research on media and social communication.
  • The construction of imaginary citizenship.
  • Democratic and electoral processes that demarcate instances of power.
  • Educational models that promote ways of appropriating knowledge (community and emerging media).
  • The new dynamics that re-orient leisure as a practice in the entertainment industry.

Guest Editors: Marcelo Franco – mgfranco[@]icesi.edu.co & Mauricio Guerrero Caicedo – mauricio.guerrero[@]correo.icesi.edu.co

Editor: Luis Fernando Barón – lfbaron[@]icesi.edu.co

Download the Call for Papers here https://goo.gl/5Fue4w

Deadline for submissions: March 10, 2017.