Marvell Studies open to general submissions
The Andrew Marvell Society has partnered with the Open Library of Humanities to publish our flagship journal, Marvell Studies. Peer-reviewed, MLA-indexed, and completely open access, the journal is now open to general submissions:
Our ideal essay is of moderate length (5,000 to 8,000 words) and makes a significant contribution to understanding some aspect of Marvell’s writing, his cultural contexts, or his historical reception. We welcome all approaches, those well established and those more experimental, historicist and non-historicist. Above all, we seek to publish exemplary work, posing new questions or offering new answers to old ones. We also welcome shorter articles and notes, especially those announcing archival findings of interest to readers of the journal, as Marvell Studies seeks to establish itself at the forefront of discovery and knowledge exchange. Proposals for special issues will also be considered.
In order to submit an article for consideration, you will need to create an account on the journal's website and upload through the submissions portal: General queries may be directed to the editor, Dr Matthew Augustine, at