The 16th Annual University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate Student Theatre Conference Impetus / Action / Reaction
The 16th Annual University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate Student Theatre Conference
Impetus / Action / Reaction
Call for Papers, Discussion Panels, Workshops, and Performances
April 7th & 8th, 2017
The University of Wisconsin, Madison, Union South
The UW-Madison Theatre and Drama Graduate Student Organization (TDGSO) will sponsor the Graduate Student Theatre Conference on April 7th and 8th, 2017. The theme for this conference is based upon the instigation and methodology that leads to performative action, both on stage and in our communities.
Theatre is a place to begin, a place to take action, and a place to contemplate and analyze our society and our work. This year we hope to highlight this process, the creative and generative process that keeps theatre moving forward. Every part of this process is important: the idea, the call to action, the creation and evolution of the text, and reflection on that process. This process signifies not only what happens inside the theatre, but what the theatre is capable of inspiring beyond its walls.
Possible topics may include but are not limited to:
Innovative Performance Methods or Styles
Performance Art in Practice and Process
Writing, Researching, and Staging Original Works
Technology that Inspires Performance
Community Activated Performance and Methodology
Devised Activities and Workshops
Art and Performance Driven by Cultural or Political Events
The Role of Art and Performance in Contemporary Activism
Theories of Revolutionary Texts and Performance
Audience Involvement and Integration
Re-Imagining and Re-Interpreting Texts
The Aesthetics of Devised Work
Historical Reactions to Theatre Production
TDGSO invites a broad range of submissions that explore and interpret those moments that lead to performative action, as well as those moments that integrate reaction to performance. We welcome proposals for individual papers, panels, roundtable sessions, workshops and performances. All practitioners and scholars are encouraged to apply.
We welcome presentations from graduate students in all areas including art and art history, literature, education, theatre research, history, foreign language and literatures, performance studies, cultural studies, and theatre—acting, directing, design, and technology, etc. Graduate students from all universities and departments are encouraged to submit their abstracts.
Please submit an abstract or plan for your presentation of 500 words or less by Februrary 10th, 2017. Your submission should include the following information: title of proposal, presenter’s name, university and department affiliation, 75-word bio, any technology and workshop requests, and email address. Applicants will be notified by February 15th, 2017.
Proposals and questions may be directed to
Please include the words “Conference Proposal” in the subject line of your email.
We look forward to your submissions!