Old and Middle English Language and Literature

deadline for submissions: 
April 5, 2017
full name / name of organization: 
Midwest Modern Language Association
contact email: 

Anglo Saxon and medieval writers spilled considerable ink considering the concept and nature of truth, how to find it and/or represent it, and how to interpret it or use it. Often this search involved conducting an exploration of two different, often opposing, perspectives, such as Christian-secular, right-wrong, art-logic, auctor-compilator, etc.

In keeping with the conference theme of “Artists and Activists”, this panel invites papers that address any and all approaches taken in the name of the search for truth or the exploration of binaries in service to the truth in any Old English or Middle English text or author.

Also of interest are papers that seek to define the nature of ‘truth’ in any form, and those which consider the nature of those who seek ‘truth’ in a range of capacities, not limited to, but including, as human beings, artists, scholars, and teachers.

Please submit a 300-word abstract and presentation title along with your full name, current title and institutional affiliation (as available), and contact information to Dr. Kathleen Burt at kathleen.burt@mga.edu by April 5, 2017.