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Bridging Gaps: Where is the Critic in Television Journalism?

Monday, April 17, 2017 - 11:48am
Centre for Media & Celebrity Studies
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, April 21, 2017



Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) 5th International Conference

Bridging Gaps: Where is the Critic in Television Journalism?

CUNY School of Journalism
New York City, USA
August 31-September 1, 2017

Conference Keynote Speakers:

Andrew Mendelson
Associate Dean & Professor, CUNY Graduate School of Journalism

P. David Marshall

Professor & Personal Chair in New Media, Communication & Cultural Studies, Deakin University

Conference Key Media Speaker:

Graphic Resistance: Comics and Social Protest: MLA 2018 Special Session

Tuesday, February 28, 2017 - 2:14pm
MLA/ Leah Misemer and Margaret Galvan
deadline for submissions: 
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

From March artist Nate Powell sharing a poster design for the Women’s March to Phil Noto’s revised image of Muslim American superhero Kamala Khan going viral in response to the Executive Order on Immigration, comics have played an active role in recent social protests.  They have formed the visual vocabulary of protest, taking advantage of the combination of text and image to efficiently circulate ideas of resistance.  The role of comics in social protest is not new.

Outlaw Politics: MLA 2018 Special Session Proposal

Tuesday, February 28, 2017 - 2:14pm
Alexander L. Kaufman
deadline for submissions: 
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

How has the concept of the outlaw been formed from legal and political traditions, both from the Anglo-American perspective and from elsewhere? Presently, how does the physical or virtual outlaw serve as a form  of resistance, dissent, and transgression in literature, media, and art? This panel solicits papers that discuss how outlaws, whether in specific texts or as a general tradition, have been appropriated and used in a specifically political context which is simultaneously intensely local and yet, through its connections to a larger international tradition, is also global in its scope.  This is a proposed Special Session for MLA 2018 (NYC, 4-7 January). Please send abstracts of 250-300 words by March 15, 2017 to Alexander L.

Graphic Reading Conference

Tuesday, February 28, 2017 - 2:14pm
University of Birmingham
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, March 31, 2017


Graphic Reading: A One-Day Conference

University of Birmingham, 19 May 2017

“You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read.”

– James Baldwin


“The surface of the page is a problem to solve.”

– Art Spiegelman



International Poe & Hawthorne Conference--Kyoto, Japan 2018

Tuesday, February 21, 2017 - 2:08pm
Sandra Hughes/Nathaniel Hawthorne Society/Poe Studies Association
deadline for submissions: 
Tuesday, August 1, 2017


International Poe & Hawthorne Conference—Kyoto, Japan


The Poe Studies Association, The Poe Society of Japan, The Nathaniel Hawthorne Society, and The Nathaniel Hawthorne Society of Japan invite paper and session proposals for a joint conference to be held in Kyoto, Japan on June 21-24, 2018.


The 2018 Kyoto conference is the successor to the 2006 Oxford conference and the 2012 Florence conference of the Poe, Hawthorne, and Emerson societies.

John Berger Now 12-13th September 2017

Tuesday, May 2, 2017 - 9:45am
School of Humanities, Canterbury Christ Church University
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, June 16, 2017


John Berger Now

12-13th September, 2017 School of Humanities, Canterbury Christ Church University.

Keynote: Professor Vikki Bell (Goldsmiths), Dr Tom Overton (editor, Landscapes and Portraits, currently writing Berger's biography)

Roundtable discussion with Professor John Bowen (York), Professor Tessa McWatt (UEL) and Professor Jeff Wallace (Cardiff Metropolitan)

The Conference:

Shakespeare Unbound

Tuesday, February 21, 2017 - 2:08pm
Société Française Shakespeare
deadline for submissions: 
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

2018 Conference of the French Shakespeare Society

Paris, Thursday 18 – Saturday 20 January 2018

Call for papers

The Société Française Shakespeare is dedicating its annual conference to “Shakespeare Unbound”. The topic addresses Shakespeare’s propensity to negotiate with dominant ideologies, his ability to break and renew formal and cultural rules and his long-lasting influence in creating innovative dramatic and poetic forms, new words and thoughts, “And all that faith creates or love desires, / Terrible, strange, sublime and beauteous shapes” (Shelley), Prometheus-like.

Narratives of "Comfort Women" in WWII - SAMLA 89 Conference - Atlanta, GA Nov. 3-5, 2017

Friday, February 24, 2017 - 10:30am
Dr. Laura Barberan Reinares
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, May 28, 2017

This panel welcomes papers analyzing fictionalized narratives of "comfort women" (military sexual slaves during WWII) in literature and/or film. Paper proposals addressing the SAMLA 89 theme of "High Art/Low Art" are especially welcome. By May 28, please submit a 500-word abstract, brief bio, and A/V requirements to Laura Barberan Reinares, Bronx CC of the City University of New York at laubarberan@gmail.com.

CFP MLA 2018: The Language of Populism (3/15)

Tuesday, February 21, 2017 - 2:08pm
David Bahr/MLA-Nonfiction Prose Studies
deadline for submissions: 
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

This guaranteed session explores populism as a “discursive style” of paranoia, division, identity formation, conspiracy and/or emergency, among other categories. All periods/global perspectives welcome. 300-word abstracts by March 15; David Bahr (dbahr@bmcc.cuny.edu)

Communal Presence: New Narrative Writing Today

Tuesday, February 21, 2017 - 2:08pm
UC Berkeley / UC Santa Cruz
deadline for submissions: 
Saturday, April 15, 2017

Call for Proposals

Communal Presence: New Narrative Writing Today

Friday, October 13 to Sunday, October 15, 2017



Mike Amnasan, Dodie Bellamy, Nayland Blake, Bruce Boone, Dennis Cooper, Gabrielle Daniels, Renee Gladman, Robert Glück, Rob Halpern, Carla Harryman, Kevin Killian, Chris Kraus, Eileen Myles, Camille Roy, Jocelyn Saidenberg, Gail Scott, Robin Tremblay-McGaw, Dana Ward

Proposals are invited for papers, panels, and short-format projects to be presented at a conference on New Narrative writing being held at the University of California, Berkeley on October 13-15, 2017.

Logic and Literary Form

Monday, February 20, 2017 - 2:09pm
Logic and Literary Form
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, April 14, 2017

Logic and Literary Form
