
displaying 91 - 105 of 209

Movement as Immobility - A Conference on Film and Christianity

Friday, April 21, 2017 - 2:09pm
Centre for Comparative Studies - University of Lisbon
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, June 30, 2017

In Simone Weil’s “First and Last Notebooks” we find a note that describes the sea as “a movement within immobility,” the “Image of primal matter”, which leads this Christian philosopher to see music also as a movement that “takes possession of all our soul—and this movement is nothing but immobility”. Perhaps this is an even more fitting description of film, with its images in motion. Its movements can reconnect us with the movements of the world, those motions in which a mysterious sense of order, what Weil calls immobility, arises.

Fifth Annual Fandom and Neomedia Studies (FANS) Conference CFP [Last Call]

Friday, April 21, 2017 - 1:27pm
Fandom and Neomedia Studies Association
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, April 30, 2017

We are pleased to announce a CFP for submissions to the Fifth Annual Fandom and Neomedia Studies (FANS) Conference in Ft. Worth, TX, on 10 and 11 June 2017. #FANS5 is gearing up for a spectacular year. with Dr. Stephen Reysen of Texas A & M University at Commerce, noted fandom psychology scholar, as our keynote speaker.

Fandom for us includes all aspects of being a fan, ranging from being a passive audience member to producing one’s own parafictive or interfictive creations. Neomedia includes both new media as it is customarily defined as well as new ways of using and conceptualizing traditional media.

Not Reading: University of Chicago English Graduate Conference

Saturday, July 22, 2017 - 8:47pm
University of Chicago, Department of English Language & Literature
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, July 2, 2017

Updated deadline: 31 July 2017

Not Reading: University of Chicago English Graduate Conference 

November 2-3, 2017

Keynote speaker: Amy Hungerford, Professor of English and Divisional Director of Humanities, Yale University

Swollen: Ordinary to Extraordinary Pregnancy and Maternity

Friday, April 21, 2017 - 1:27pm
American Society for Theatre Research, 2017
deadline for submissions: 
Thursday, June 1, 2017

Monsters are linked to the female body in scientific discourse through the question of biological reproduction." The capacity of the female body to grow, change, and produce new life has been a simultaneous source of fear and wonder, while incidents of monstrous births and the opacity of those same bodies drove centuries of speculation about how and why the process of reproduction could 'fail.' As medical understands of pregnancy grew, the possibility of non-biological reproduction in the form of Frankenstein’s monster or Stoker’s vampirism opened new frontiers of extraordinary bodies to people the popular imagination. Susan Caldwell, in a different cultural context, refers to the mother goddess in the Hindu Pantheon as a terrifying mother.

CONNECTIONS 5: A Conference of Critical Thinking: September 29, 2017

Saturday, May 27, 2017 - 5:44pm
East Georgia State College: Critical Thinking Conference
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, September 8, 2017

CONNECTIONS 5: A Conference of Critical Thinking:
"'A Single Rain': Using Biomimicry to Think and to Solve"

Friday, September 29, 2017
9:30am - 4:00pm

At East Georgia State College, the promotion of critical thinking is an important component of the curriculum, and this conference is organized to allow educators, students, and independent scholars to share both research and practical applications of critical thinking in the classroom.

Authority and Transgression

Friday, April 21, 2017 - 1:28pm
Modern Horizons
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, July 31, 2017

 Authority & Transgression (October 2017)


Modern Horizons invites proposals for papers (25-30 minutes long) for our seventh annual conference on ‘Authority & Transgression’ to be held 27-28 October, 2017 at UC Berkeley. Proposals are to be sent to editors@modernhorizonsjournal.ca by 31 July, 2017.

Call for papers for The tenth edition of Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe, International Conference (ABDD10).

Thursday, April 20, 2017 - 12:26pm
“1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania
deadline for submissions: 
Thursday, July 20, 2017

ABDD10, Sept 2017Call for papers

The tenth edition of Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe, International Conference (ABDD10).

On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committee, we are delighted to invite you to attend the tenth edition of “Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe, International Conference” (ABBDD10), which will take place at the “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba-Iulia, Romania, between 26th and 28th September 2017.

Our inter and multidisciplinary conference wishes to bring together academics and practitioners from various fields, historians, sociologists, anthropologists, psychologists, physicians, architects etc. to explore and shed new lights on themes such as the followings:

[CFP] Gothic Afterlives: The Reincarnation of Horror in Film and Television

Wednesday, February 9, 2022 - 4:25pm
Lorna Piatti-Farnell, Auckland University of Technology
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, May 28, 2017

PLEASE NOTE: This CFP closed in 2017. If you are encountering it any time in 2022 or afterwards, it is due to an error in the system. Thank you. 


ReFocus: The Films of Elaine May

Thursday, April 20, 2017 - 7:19pm
Alexandra Heller-Nicholas (University of Melbourne / VCA) and Dr Dean Brandum (independent researcher)
deadline for submissions: 
Saturday, July 1, 2017

Cloaked in a veil spanning from obscurity to notoriety, the films of director, screenwriter, actor and comic Elaine May have in recent years undergone a long-overdue critical renaissance.

At home with horror? Terror on the small screen

Thursday, April 20, 2017 - 12:27pm
The Melodrama Research Group/University of Kent
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, June 30, 2017

The Melodrama Research Group presents:

At home with horror? Terror on the small screen

27th-28th October 2017

University of Kent

Keynote speaker: Dr Helen Wheatley (University of Warwick)


[UPDATES] CFP: The Third International Conference on Popular Culture and Education

Thursday, April 20, 2017 - 12:27pm
Centre for Popular Culture in the Humanities, The Education University of Hong Kong
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, May 8, 2017

Abstract sumission deadline is now extended to May 15th, 2017

submission via email: cpch.notice@eduhk.hk (Mr. Manni Cheung, Centre for Popular Culture in the Humanities, The Education University of Hong Kong)


The Centre for Popular Culture in the Humanities and the Department of Literature and Cultural Studies at The Education University of Hong Kong is pleased to announce The Third International Conference on Popular Culture and Education, which will take place in Hong Kong, July 20th-22nd, 2017.

Encyclopedia of Cuban Cinema

Thursday, April 20, 2017 - 12:27pm
Salvador Jimenez Murguia
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, April 1, 2018

Encyclopedia of Cuban Cinema

This volume takes up the topic of Cuban Cinema from its early days of film production to the present. Covering over 300 entries that include films, producers, directors, actresses, actors, genres and critical interpretations, the breadth and depth of this volume will generate some highly significant material for both academics, as well as general audiences. The first of its kind—indeed there are no other encyclopedias that cover this topic anywhere on the market—The Encyclopedia of Cuban Cinema is a timely pop cultural companion to the ever-growing field of critical film studies.

Bloomsday Essay Contest

Thursday, April 20, 2017 - 12:27pm
Rosenbach Museum and Library
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, May 15, 2017

Bloomsday Essay ContestSpot the Winner!A Bloomsday Essay Contest

Calling all emerging Joyceans. Submit your best essay on Ulysses or another Joyce text for the Rosenbach’s first annual Bloomsday Essay Contest. Critical essays welcome from undergraduate and graduate students in the Tri-State area. Winners will be announced on June 16, 2017, at the Rosenbach’s Bloomsday celebration. All participants are encouraged to attend but need not be present to win!


Netflix at the Nexus: Content, Practice, and Production in the Age of Streaming Television

Wednesday, July 12, 2017 - 10:52am
Amber Buck
deadline for submissions: 
Saturday, July 15, 2017

Netflix’s meteoric rise as an online content provider has been well documented and much debated in the popular press and in academic circles. It has been praised as the future of television (Auletta, 2014) and as “the most feared force in Hollywood” (Villarreal & James, 2016), while also decried as the end of “TV’s Golden Age” and blamed for ushering in an era where “TV shows may be briefer, lower-budget and filled with the kind of product-placement ads that audiences hate and advertisers pay for” (Thielman, 2016).
