CEA at SAMLA (11/3-5)

deadline for submissions: 
May 29, 2017
full name / name of organization: 
Lynne M. Simpson, College English Association
contact email: 

The College English Association solicits abstracts on the special focus of the 89th SAMLA conference from November 3-5 in Atlanta: “High Art/Low Art: Borders and Boundaries in Popular Culture.” From the selection of singer and songwriter Bob Dylan as the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature last year to the election as President of a former reality-television star, the topic could not be more timely nor seminal.

More information on the conference may be found at https://samla.memberclicks.net/.

Please send abstracts and any A/V requirements to Lynne Simpson at lsimpson@presby.edu by May 29, 2017.  Steve Brahlek, CEA Director of Technology, is also soliciting original works of fiction, poetry, or non-fiction for a second panel. Kindly send proposals directly to him at brahleks@palmbeachstate.edu by May 29.