2018 Women's Leadership Summit
2018 Women’s Leadership Summit
The Women’s Network of Northeast Ohio is now accepting submissions for the 2018 Women’s Leadership Summit, to be held November 9 2018 in Akron, OH.
Women’s Network (WN) is a grassroots organization that aims to bring women to the forefront at all levels of corporate, community, and civic leadership. Under this mission, WN offers high-impact programming to women in areas of leadership development, professional advancement, and entrepreneurship and helps local businesses and organizations build programming that better serves emerging women leaders.
The 2018 Leadership Summit welcomes work in the areas of leadership development for women, gender equity and unconscious bias in the workplace, and thought leadership on advancing women’s lives. We especially invite proposals on the following sub-topics:
Unconscious Bias
Women & Civic Leadership
Creating Equitable Work Environments
Raising Feminist Boys and Girls
Mentorship, Sponsorship & Empowerment
Socialization & Education
Cost(s) of Inequity
Diversity, Inclusion & Accountability
Strategies for Change and Progress
Confronting Bias (in Self and Others)
Building Business Acumen
Intersectional Feminism for the Workplace
Supporting Other Women
Lightening the Mental & Emotional Load
Scholars, educators, researchers, graduate students, thought leaders, and community organizers from all industries and disciplines are encouraged to apply. We welcome individual and group proposals. Formats will range from roundtables and workshops to more traditional panels.
Submission Guidelines
Updated Deadline: March 1, 2018
For individual proposals, please send a 200-word description of the presentation that clearly illustrates the content, purpose, and intended format: panel, roundtable, or workshop.
For group proposals, please send a 200-word description of the session and 100-word descriptions of the individual contributions/presentations contained within the group session. Be sure to clearly note the intended format: traditional panel, roundtable, or workshop.
Email all proposals to WNsummit2018@gmail.com