[REMINDER: ABSTRACTS DUE 11/1] Bridges to and from the Renaissance (CEA 4/5-7/2018)
Call for Papers: “Bridges to and from the Renaissance” at CEA, April 5-April 7, 2018
| CEA 49th Annual Conference: “Bridges”
| Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront, 333 1st St S, Saint Petersburg, Florida 33701
| Phone: (727) 894-5000
This call for papers is meant to solicit wide-ranging abstracts on the possibilities of the “bridges” in British literature of the 16th and 17th centuries for the 49th annual conference of the College English Association, a collegial gathering of scholars and teachers in English studies.
CEA also welcomes proposals for presentations in any of the areas English departments typically encompass, including literature criticism and scholarship, creative writing, composition, technical communication, linguistics, and film. We also welcome papers on areas that influence our work as academics, including student demographics, student/instructor accountability and assessment, student advising, academic leadership in departments and programs, and the role of the English department in higher education.
Please submit your abstract at http://www.cea-web.org.
Submission Dates: through November 1, 2017
Questions? Please email cea.english@gmail.com or me at lsimpson@presby.edu.
Lynne M. Simpson, Ph.D.
College English Association
and Professor of English
Presbyterian College
Clinton, SC 29325