deadline for submissions: 
February 15, 2017
full name / name of organization: 
The Tau/Lourdes University
contact email: 


2017-2018 Tau Deadline: February 15, 2017
Submission dates: September 1–February 15

Submissions to the Tau can include poetry (up to 5 poems per author), short stories, and creative non-fiction (up to 3,000 words per entry). All submissions will be considered through a blind review process.

Please use the form found on the following website for submissions:

Written entries:

  • Submit each entry separately as its own document, but attached to one email
  • Use 12 point Times New Roman font
  • Name each entry with the title only
  • Do not include your name anywhere on the entry
  • Submissions must not exceed 5, double-spaced pages
  • Authors may submit up to 5 original works
  • Work will be reviewed by the Department of English; publication decisions are final
  • Judges retain the right to edit for spelling and punctuation
  • The Tau editors will consult writers for any other editing questions
  • Rights to work published in The Tau remain with the writer
  • Authors should keep copies of their submissions since no submissions will be returned

Art entries:

  • Submit each entry separately as its own document, using multiple emails if necessary.
    • Send images as attachments, JPEG format, less than 2 MB, 73-200 DPI
    • Poor quality images will result in dismissal; take quality images of artwork
    • Submit title, medium, and year created in the body of the email.
    • Email will contain your name for verification
  • Artists may submit up to 5 images of artworks
  • Artwork will be reviewed by the Department of Art, publication decisions are final
  • The Tau editors will consult artists if there are concerns during the jurying process
  • Rights to artwork published in The Tau remain with the artist
  • Artists should keep copies of the submission