CFP: Digital Humanities panel at ALA 2018 (Digital Americanists Society)
Digital Americanists Panel at ALA 2018
The Digital Americanists Society solicits abstracts (c. 250 words) for papers to be included in the Society’s pre-arranged session at the 2018 American Literature Association Conference (San Francisco, May 24-27, 2018).
We are especially interested in submissions focusing on data-sets, texts, archives, tools or projects/methodologies that deal with intersections of gender, race, sexuality, nationality, and/or disability in literature and digital work. Submissions focusing on texts from any period of American literature are welcome.
In keeping with the Digital Americanists’ commitment to a broad understanding of American literature, culture, digital media, and computational methods, we are pleased to consider submissions that address any facet of the relationship between those terms or that question the terms themselves. Submissions from early-career scholars and members of underrepresented groups are especially encouraged.
Deadline for submissions is Monday, January 15, 2018. Send abstracts or questions by email to For more information about the Digital Americanists, see information about the ALA and the 2018 conference, see