David Foster Wallace Conference of Contemporary Literature and Culture

deadline for submissions: 
December 11, 2017
full name / name of organization: 
Ryan Edel - DFW Conference
contact email: 

The Fifth Annual David Foster Wallace Conference

on Contemporary Literature and Culture, June 7-9, 2018


The Fifth Annual David Foster Wallace Conference on Contemporary Literature and Culture will be held at Illinois State University, June 7-9, 2018. The conference invites both critical scholarship and creative writing.  Papers and panels should focus on literary works published since the 1950s and/or in the works of David Foster Wallace. Creative writing proposals in all genres are welcome.

Proposals are due by December 11, 2017.


Critical Papers  and Panels

Topics for critical papers on Wallace or contemporary literature might include, but are not limited to:


·      A Decade without Wallace: Legacy, Absence, and/or Contemporary relevance

·      “The Long 1990s” and (Post) Millennial Culture

·      Writing after Wallace: Influence, the “Post-Wallace Novel,” Memorialization, and/or Backlash

·      Global Influences: Non-American Influences, Readings and/or, Contexts

·      The “Post-Critical” Turn in Literary Studies

·      Location/the Local: Institutions, Environment, the Midwest and/or, Boston

·      The Body and Embodiment

·      Neoliberalism, Freedom, and/or Politics

·      Modes of Difference: Gender, Race, Sexuality, and/or Disability

·      The State of the Field: Where Are We Now?


Special Sessions

In conjunction with the David Foster Wallace Society, we will be conducting special sessions on teaching David Foster Wallace and diversity in DFW Studies.  We will also hold special sessions on interdisciplinary approaches to DFW Studies and academic freedom.  Please visit our website at WallaceConference.com for more information.


Submission Guidelines

Please submit your proposals for critical, creative writing, and special session submissions through our online proposal form at WallaceConference.com.  We require a 150-300-word proposal, a 50-word program abstract, and a 50-word bio.  For creative works, we require submission of a current draft of the full text.  Presenters may take part in up to two panels.  Please submitby December 11, 2017.



In case of questions, please e-mail Ryan Edel via our Contact Page at WallaceConference.com.


Social Media

For regular updates, please Like us on Facebook and Follow Us on Twitter.


Proposals are due by December 11, 2017