Margins Conference 2018

deadline for submissions: 
December 15, 2017
full name / name of organization: 
Clemson University Department of English
contact email: 

Submission Deadline: December 15th

Theme: Displacement

Conference Date: March 31, 2018 at Clemson University


No registrartion fee!

Keynote speaker: Katrina Powell

Displacement encompasses a vast array of human experiences. Bodies and identities are displaced in areas not limited to social, historical, political, and linguistic contexts. As a theme, displacement allows different research areas to converge and find commonality in marginalization and otherness. Displacement shuttles between the physical and metaphysical; it can be felt in the “real world” or felt only in mind or spirit. Displacements have persisted throughout history, including the displacement of women in the workplace, colonization, displacement through war, disability, or eminent domain. These practices continue, and displacement evolves, with the recent environmental displacement due to hurricanes Harvey and Irma and the repeal of DACA.

Along with the physical and metaphysical, displacement happens digitally, too. Digital spaces, as Siân Bayne and Jen Ross point out, are “highly volatile” and offer us “new and potentially radical ways of communication, representing and constituting knowledge and selfhood.” The creation of the digital self and identity online allow for spaces to be constructed, and people to be included or excluded from certain activities.

At Margins, we are seeking to explore the ways in which displacement impacts, influences, and complicates our understanding of human life, media, politics, the environment, technology, and education. As displacement is perpetual, we welcome proposals that can look to the past, present, or future. We list questions for consideration below, but do not feel limited by them. Displacement crosses margins, borders, and has no boundaries. As such, we are looking for conversations that cross the margins, borders, and boundaries of disciplines and experiences.

We welcome individual paper or poster presentations, panels, or digital/multimodal compositions related to our theme of displacement for presentation at Clemson’s 2018 Interdisciplinary conference, Margins. Abstracts should be no more than 250 words for individual or digital presentations and 300-500 words for panels. Contact co-chairs Sarah Richardson ( and Martha Karnes ( for more information.

Submit here!